gr8rnpjt RN

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All Content by gr8rnpjt

  1. gr8rnpjt

    Nurse Entrepraneur

    Have not started a business, but I work from home for a large insurance company. I like it a lot. sometimes I work in my jammies:)
  2. gr8rnpjt

    What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  3. gr8rnpjt

    What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    It has taken me almost a month here and there to read through the whole thread. I was one of the initial posters in 2005. I wrote about my horrible experiences that caused me to leave bedside nursing. First, I want to say I was sleep deprived for 3 y...
  4. gr8rnpjt

    Nursing with a Latex Allergy

    They can't fire you. But you do have to protect yourself. No one will do it for you. I developed my latex allergy in the late '80's and I met a lot of resistance just getting non latex gloves on the floor for me to use. I ended up leaving bedside nur...
  5. gr8rnpjt

    How do you deal with.....?

    my hats off to all of you ER nurses out there and for what you do and put up with every day. :bowingpur You guys are amazing and you deserve to vent your frustration here any time. There will always be someone who can help you deal with the pressure ...
  6. gr8rnpjt

    how to deal with a know-it-all?

    You should also enlist the help of your instructor. She SHOULD have intervened during your assessment, when he started to interject. Make it clear to your instructor that this person is making you nervous when he intervenes in these situations. Your ...
  7. gr8rnpjt

    drug testing

    Drug testing is not something nurses have a lot of experience with. Since you are in a nursing forum online, I suggest you google drug testing and marijuana and you will get a lot more and better help.
  8. gr8rnpjt

    Husband Trying to Discourage Me from Nursing

    Here's what you do. Tell your husband that he is right, you don't think you want to be a nurse anymore. Tell him you can make just as much if not more money stripping!!
  9. Did you call in sick or did you call in and tell them about the scheduling conflict? If it was the latter then it's not hard to guess what this is about.
  10. gr8rnpjt

    A very brief vent....

    I guess the best thing to have done when you started this thread was to omit the part about being at work while you were complaining about someone not doing their job. Not wanting to pile on or anything but you need to realize that she could have bee...
  11. gr8rnpjt

    "I don't have AIDS"

    Good teaching opportunity. I swear some patients what comes out of their mouths!!
  12. Have they applied for Medicaid?
  13. When I graduated in 1980 I worked in the same community hospital where I trained. I worked almost every medsurg level unit and started getting floated to tele. I hated it at first I knew nothing about reading the monitors. Back then it was like see o...
  14. gr8rnpjt

    Refusal question, please give me your thoughts.

    I agree. Your services are needed elsewhere and you don't need that kind of working environment. Tell the social worker at the home care agency that the house is in deplorable condition. State health inspectors should be called.
  15. gr8rnpjt

    The Stress of School Ruined my Relationship!

    I may be reading too much in between the lines but I sense that perhaps your treatment of her was a tad abusive? If so, she may need time to be apart to heal from what was said and/or done. If I am off base, my apologies. But if I am correct, perhap...
  16. gr8rnpjt

    with bully/harrassement

    I am not sure exactly what it is she is doing and who exactly she is targeting? Sorry, I just think there are probably details you don't want to get into and perhaps rightly so, but I am not clear on what she is doing.
  17. gr8rnpjt

    Co-Workers Read My Medical Files

    Unbelievable. A report to the Compliance officer would be my first step. No one should be able to get away with this. You must be so angry, I know I would be, and how it has been handled, or not handled so far, it is just unbelievable.
  18. gr8rnpjt

    I'm just trying to help you!

    I think you did the right thing trying to help. Now that you know how your good intentions are received, you should let her do it all on her own. Continue to make offers but don't waste your time and energy on 'poor little me" who apparently has a pr...
  19. I like this idea. the good gourmet kind. Like kenya aa, something that will go the distance!
  20. Remember that doctors are just people like us. they go home and deal with family and home issues and they go to the bathroom just like us. Picture them in their jammies.
  21. gr8rnpjt

    Leaving Nursing...

    If I were you I would get back into the insurance business. It is clean work, steady daylight weekends off, and nobody dies on your watch. I am very happy in my insurance job. I find it fulfilling and challenging, and I just started working from hom...
  22. gr8rnpjt

    Being an ADVOCATE for a less than helpful coworker

    Great Job!!!
  23. gr8rnpjt

    Want others to know...and learn

    I totally agree with Wendy RN. There will be a unit somewhere that is better suited for you and if this group is that stupid that they would push a new nurse out of the door like that then they will build themselves a reputation of being a difficult ...
  24. gr8rnpjt

    Inhumane Supervisors/Managers-LONG

    I agree that this is insane. Your comfort should be her only concern and to say that no sneakers are to be worn, well, I would have had to point out her "pet" and his shoes. Good luch with your new orthotics, I hope they make you feel great. The ult...