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About Lela4412

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  1. FSU Accelerated BSN 2014 Applicants

    I got an email from Melinda Batton this morning that made it sound like we could still be accepted to the nursing program. Did you get that email? What do you think? I still have no idea why I wouldn't have been readmitted. I have excellent grades an...
  2. FSU Accelerated BSN 2014 Applicants

    I got an email that my online admission status changed. My readmission to FSU was not approved so I guess that means I didn't get into the nursing program. Oh we'll! Guess I will take the long route and try getting an RN degree from the local communi...
  3. FSU Accelerated BSN 2014 Applicants

    I haven't taken patho yet. Like you all, I am waiting to see if I get in. When I went to see Melinda Batton, the ABSN advisor, she told me that a lot of students do that. She also said that at the time the FSU patho course was on campus only, but the...
  4. FSU Accelerated BSN 2014 Applicants

    Ahhh! I called yesterday and Gabriela said letters would be mailed in 1 to 1.5 weeks! I hope the letters were mailed today!!! It is killing me to not know!!! My background is in electrical engineering. Sounds like we all have pretty diverse backgroun...
  5. FSU ABSN Fall 2014 applicants

    I called today to find out when decisions will be made and how we will be notified. I just couldn't help myself! Gabriela said that letters should go out in 1 to 1.5 weeks. I wanted to say... please please please can you just let me know if I got in?...
  6. FSU ABSN Fall 2014 applicants

    I am anxiously waiting to hear from the FSU ABSN Program too! I also expect to have to wait until March 15 to hear any news. But that doesn't stop me from checking my FSU application status. I keep thinking that when I sign on I will see some sort of...
  7. UNF Summer 2014 BSN hopefuls

    I live in Panama City, FL and I am pretty tied down. My husband has a great job here and we own a house. Both of our immediate families are here and I love my daughter's daycare. I applied to FSU because it would be a reasonably easy commute. I have ...
  8. UNF Summer 2014 BSN hopefuls

    Hey! I'm new to the thread, but I just sent an email to confirm my interview at 9:30! So excited!!! Was even more excited to read about others as nervous as me! I can't believe I didn't think to search for a hopefuls thread until now!