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All Content by vegnurse21

  1. CNA training in Cincinnati??

    Okay, don't quote me on this because I don't know how sure I am but this is how I think the Health Alliance does it... You can go to any hospital in the Health Alliance and they will train you to...
  2. NICU duties

    Okay, I'm a student that is hoping to go into NICU in about 6 months when I graduate. I haven't been able to buy any books yet about it, so I'm still very uneducated about the specifics. Can I ask why...
  3. Fired AGAIN!! HELP!!

    I'm still a student, but I think you are absolutely correct. That is extremely on earth could you take care of 28 patients and make sure they were all safe?! How can you even get...
  4. Hey May 06 grads..any of you seeking NICU?

    CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for
  5. Hey May 06 grads..any of you seeking NICU?

    Hey, I was just wondering if any of you are running into any units that are requiring a certain GPA to go into NICU? I know that some of the adult critical care areas require a 3.0-3.5 (it varies)...
  6. Practicing IV sticks

    Just a really quick question that I needed to ask some of the nurses here. I'm a student that will be graduating in July. I have ten weeks of med-surg clinicals left and there's a good chance that I...
  7. Practicing IV sticks

    No, there's no tubing and no saline involved. Just the needle and the catheter. That's something I don't feel comfortable doing outside of the hospital and without an instructor present so I wouldn't...
  8. Practicing IV sticks

    What? I do know the basics of inserting the needle and what to do. Like I said, I just don't want my patient to be my very first stick. I tend to get nervous (well, who doesnt? ha!) and I'd rather be...
  9. Topamax

    I'm on Topamax for a reason completely unrelated to you all...but it has done wonders for what it's been prescribed to me for. I love it. I was initially on 25mgs BID, and was supposed to gradually...
  10. Hey May 06 grads..any of you seeking NICU?

    Hmm...I think we do our interviews usually around March-ish? So I have awhile...I'm really nervous about the interview! I'm young, only 19 so I've only interviewed for typically 'young' jobs haha. I...
  11. Can I be a good nurse, I hate being a CNA

    Twenty four patients? Wow...that's insane. I know aides have a 'lesser' job...but we still have A LOT to do one a shift! That's horrible that they give you that many patients. It sounds like it's the...
  12. Hey May 06 grads..any of you seeking NICU?

    Hey everyone! I'm a little later than yall...I'm graduating July of 06. Not too much longer guys, we're almost there! :) Anyways, I plan to go straight into NICU out of school. I am keeping my...
  13. Working 12 Hr shifts???

    I'm really glad you made this thread because I'll be graduating in July and have been debating the exact same thing. I work 8 hour shifts as a PCA and they go by SO fast because you are always so...
  14. Starting as new grad in NICU on 10/31!!!!!

    Phew...this will be me next summer and I am so nervous already! Good luck though will do awesome!
  15. Freezing Up and Going Blank at Clinical

    I'm a little late in replying, but I thought maybe I could offer a bit of advice possibly! I just got done with a clinical rotation where I had an instructor that would drill us on tons of stuff with...
  16. Nurses with bipolar disorder?

    Are you saying that to get your license you have to disclose all medical diagnoseses that you've had? I am wanting to do pyschiatric nursing as well, and have about 9 months to go before I take my...
  17. Sick of it!!!

    I have no advice for you, but this post makes me so extremely sad. I hate that the elderly in LTC facilities are getting treated this way. And I can't imagine a supervisor worth a darn who'd back up...
  18. Many questions for you travel RNs!

    Okay, I have about a year left of nursing school, and then have to fill a 2 year service requirement so that they will pay for my schooling. After the 2 years is up, I really would like to look into...
  19. Many questions for you travel RNs!

    Thanks everyone for your replies! They were so helpful! The 2 years experience won't be a problem because I have a contract with the hospital that I go to nursing school at to work there for 2 years...
  20. Well Baby Nursery

    I am a nursing student with one year left of school. So far, we have only had med-surg rotations, so I haven't gotten much experience in specialty settings, but I know that med-surg is not for me. I...
  21. Well Baby Nursery

    Wow, that's weird. In the hospital I work at right now, the babies are usually in the nursery. Well, the nurses have to do an assessment once per shift and restock the cribs and whatnot. Then a lot of...
  22. Well Baby Nursery

    There are NO well baby nurses here?
  23. How Do you know When Nursing is for you?

    Honestly, it's one of those things that I just know is for me. I think you almost have to feel that to be content with being an RN. I don't think your fears are irrational, but you should definitely...
  24. BPD, bipolar and RN?

    I actually found your post to be very disrespectful. I understand that as a nurse you always want to put the patient first and make them a top priority. So I know where you're coming from, but the...
  25. Cincinnati

    You're silly. I'm in nursing school right now and at 19, I'm definitely a minority age group wise. Most people are in their late 20s early 30s. We have a handful that are in their 40s and 50s as...