

OB/GYN,L&D,FP office,LTC

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All Content by moonchild20002000

  1. nurses with rheumatoid arthritis (long-ish)

    I'm sorry that you are having so many problems. Is it possible for your MD to keep you out of work a while longer? Maybe you need more time off. I hope things improve for you soon!
  2. DNR and patient advocacy

    I have a question. When the decision was made to intubate was the pt.competent to make that decision?Did the Doctors talk to the patient? Isn't the pt telling you she wants this stopped?Why aren't the Doctors talking to her now? I really think you ha...
  3. My ALMOST 5 year old refuses to poop on the potty!

    My kids are 27,24,22. When it was time for potty training I put them in "training pants",they were a little thicker than underwear. There were many accidents but they learned what they were supposed to do.All chrildren train at different ages,but,5ye...
  4. New Grandson, need your input please, 33weeks

    Are you going to be able to go to see them? You would probably feel better if you could. I'm praying for you and your family. Let us know how hes doing.
  5. Hysterectomy and anesthesia

    Would an epidural or spinal anesthesia be an option for you? I had an during the surgery. Your MD and/or epidural for my hyst,I was also given other meds to relax me. I woke up several times but I did not feel any pain.[/i]Your MD and/or anesthesia c...
  6. How long did you breastfeed?

    #1 6months,this was in 1978 and not a lot of support for nursing at that time. #2 1 year #3 15 months I wish I had nursed them longer,they were willing but I listened to my peds doc. I think its great that now there is much support!
  7. Nurse having personal relationship with patient

    In my state a nurse can lose her license for this.
  8. Beware of hand-cranks on hospital beds.....sad.

    thought all work injuries were covered under workmans comp.The injured nurse needs to speak to someone re her rights.In my state there is a toll free number to call the state workmans comp,they will walk you through the process,send necessary paperwo...
  9. My son tried to kill himself tonight

    .I'm sending you a PM.
  10. DH dying-need prayers

    I'm so sorry for your loss.I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope you will continue to come here,know that we care about you and will support you in any way we can.
  11. DH dying-need prayers

    I just wanted to let you know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I think you are a very strong person,I admire you so much.I'm glad you are finding some peace today. God knows whats in your heart,He will get you through this difficult ti...
  12. Opinions please--Did I do the right thing?

    I also agree that you did the right thing.The MD on call thought it was the right thing to do. I do have a few concerns about the charge nurse. You just can't please all the patients and families. Don't let them get you down!
  13. DH dying-need prayers

    I praying for your husband and family.
  14. Polite refusal, how do I do it?

    All it takes to get rid of her is a phone call to her agency. Why are they dragging their feet?
  15. All You Lefty's Out there....

    I am a lefty!:)
  16. resignation dilemma

    In a right to work state neither you or your employer are required to give notice. If you had to resign due to serious medical problems most likely you would not give 30 days notice.You would leave ASAP due to the problems. I really don't see a diffe...
  17. Sweet Dreams, Baby! Tell us about your strange dreams r/t nursing

    Many years ago as a new nurse I would have very vivid dreams,talk in my sleep. One night my husband told me he woke up in the night to hear me telling him "I'm sorry,that leg has got to come off" while I was pulling on his leg.I really took a lot of...
  18. ~*Prayers needed*~

    I am so very sorry to hear of this. I will be praying for the family.
  19. Drug addicted teen? Not my kid!

    It sounds like he had a lot of manipulation in is mouth. Darvocett works well for some but not others. If he were my son I would call the surgeon tomorrow. Discuss the prednisone as well. Sure hope he feels better!
  20. I feel awkward...

    The more you do the more confident you will become.
  21. Narcotic Theft

    Get out of there! You know what you need to do.
  22. Worst nursing experience

    I have to agree with Canoehead,the worst times I have had was with co-workers. I was Charge Nurse in an LTC facility. We had just started the shift when I heard a commotion. Two of my CNA'S were in a FISTFIGHT at the desk! The DON and ADON were still...
  23. help me stop making med errors!

    Have you seen your Doc lately? Could you need your meds adjusted? I really do not understand why your supervisor is allowing this co-worker to cause such grief. With ADHD you would fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act.Your co-worker is defi...
  24. Who was your 1st patient

    My first patient was a man in DT's. He was in four point leather restraints. He also had a condom catheter. Well being a young inexpierenced student nurse I was pretty clueless. The staff nurses gave me a few "tips" on removing,cleaning and reappling...
  25. *rant* "Nurse" at office answering questions.

    I think you need to talk to the provider about this when you have your appointment.Point out what a huge liability issue it is,that will usually get their attention. I worked for many years as a LPN in an OB-GYN office,had you called me you would hav...