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All Content by futureeastcoastNP

  1. Petition to Force NP Programs to Provide Preceptors

    This is the exact sort of attitude that causes nothing to get done in this profession. What if someone in North Korea and decided to spend their life dedicated to fighting the corrupt political system there to help everyone else. Would your response ...
  2. Job Market in Ohio?

    The market is becoming extremely oversaturated. NP programs are opening like crazy, especially the online for profit ones that take in a HUGE number of students - most have around a 99% acceptance rate. Because of this, and the fact that they can be ...
  3. Petition to Force NP Programs to Provide Preceptors

    That makes no sense..why would admitting more students mean they stretch their resources less? Second, it's ridiculous that schools are of the mindset that they need to not provide an education so they can take more students. Why do they need to take...
  4. Anyone in the Nov cohort for Simmons college FNP?

    Thanks guys! I appreciate those very friendly and helpful responses.
  5. Looking back, would you obtain NP credential??

    I would have chosen MD or PA school instead of my current route. I am saddened each day as I look at the direction of the NP profession: online for profit programs where students set up their own clinical rotations, DNP degrees that are nothing but e...
  6. Off the wall question about NPs

    Ha, a, that made me laugh out loud it's so spot on, I do think there's clearly a market here for a professionally focused NP forum for students and practicing NPs. Someone should start it!
  7. Online FNP.. How long? How much?

    Shouldn't people be picking a school based on education quality rather than time and money?? I see threads like this and all I can do is shake my head for the future of this profession.
  8. Chamberlain FNP program

    Some employers won't care, but many will. For profits do have a bad reputation with many people, and for highly competitive jobs it will hard for a for profit graduate to compete with someone that went to a well known highly ranked public or private....
  9. What is a reasonable new grad offer?

    Please ignore redlion's advice, he is either a physician or wannabe physician. Redlion, of course they should be making money off of the NP, just as hospitals make money off of MDs. The difference here is the MARGIN. If the NP is pulling in 250K and...
  10. Disappointment trying not to be discouraged (very long post)

    NPs, as they do not have residencies nor the number of clinical hours of PAs or MDs, do need some supervision the first year or so to come into their own. I don't blame her for not wanting her first job to be solo. Second, the 80K offer clearly came ...
  11. Anyone in the Nov cohort for Simmons college FNP?

    Serious question: has anyone been denied to Simmons yet? I was very interested in the school, as the on campus program has always had a great reputation. Suddenly, though, the online program seems as talked about on here as Kaplan and Walden. How are...
  12. RN experience helpful and essential to be a NP

    I agree with you...this is I think, why most RNs with experience think experience is helpful. They have a leg up during school and for a bit after...but it's still a new role. And while early on you can rely on your RN experience, after a few years y...
  13. What is a reasonable new grad offer?

    Well its a bit ridiculous. As a provider, you will be able to bill insurance for close to what the MD would bill for...yet do you think they offer another MD such a low salary? They are trying to make money off of you. Those places that low ball are ...
  14. 12 Month BSN or 15 Month MSN?

    My concern is this: even though it would have to be taught at the undergraduate level (since it is to train RNs not NPs), it would be more dumbed down down and less clinically applicable than an NP programs pharmacology....yet despite this, these peo...
  15. University of Phoenix FNP

    I can't imagine that having such a well known online for profit program on your resume would look good to future employers. I'd think heavily whether you want to invest in that. While many nurses don't care, and seem oblivious to the failures of for ...
  16. NP vs PA vs CNS

    PA school requires a lot more pre-reqs than NP school. Yes, someone can go with a history degree...but someone can also go to medical school with a history degree. It doesn't mean they didn't take the required science prereqs to get in, and in June c...
  17. Always on the border of failing... need some help

    What program are you in?
  18. Off the wall question about NPs

    You sound just like me, and I honestly have no idea what to do about it. I previously requested a separate forum section be made to discuss professional issues ONLY, but that request was denied. I scour daily and read the very, very few conversations...
  19. Off the wall question about NPs

    Omg, thank you for posting this!! I fully agree. It's almost embarrassing to the profession as a whole. Every post here is about where to find an online program, how difficult it is to do part-time online NP programs, blah blah. Very, very little pro...
  20. I am concerned for you and wish you the best...however, I highly doubt it was a "reputable" college if they couldn't even gain NP accreditation, which is not terribly difficult to do. I can only imagine it was a for-profit, and many of us on here hav...
  21. Disappointment trying not to be discouraged (very long post)

    Oh my, they are REALLY taking advantage of NPs there. Those salaries are very low for even a new graduate NP, especially the 67K!! I think when NPs accept salaries that low, they lower the average salary for the whole profession. I would honestly try...
  22. 12 Month BSN or 15 Month MSN?

    I don't get these MEPN and graduate entry programs. It seems they use ONE pathphysiology course, ONE pharmacology course, etc to fulfill the requirements for both an undergraduate and graduate nursing degree. How can undergraduate courses fulfill gra...
  23. 2.91 GPA as Bio major to Grad-Entry NP Chances?

    May I ask - do you really prefer the nursing model? Your history suggests that you were a premed, realized your grades weren't up to par, and decided you could still be a provider by going an "easier" route. A few things: The NP route is not necessar...
  24. Clinicals: FNP in pediatrics or OBGYN

    I'm sure there are some, but it's rare these days. Most in peds are PNPs and most in OBGYN offices are Midwives or WHNPs. It's odd that your school won't let you learn from them - they are the experts in those fields, after all. That's like a medical...
  25. Walden University - the latest on the FNP program

    Exactly. It's not that distance programs require you to find your own, it's that inferior programs do. Since most people doing distance inexplicably gravitate toward for profits, it's natural that they would think all distance programs provide no hel...