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About RNsjourney

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  1. You're super awesome mommymeatball09. I'm glad you made it in. I'm just waiting on a phone call now which probably isn't gonna happen until July maybe idk.
  2. Only one away, soo close. I hope you get in. Crossing my fingers and saying a prayer for you.
  3. How was orientation? Did you make it into the program?
  4. ITT Canton March 2014

    That is wonderful news. I just purchased my hesi a2 book yesterday. I think I should start studying now since I do not have an idea on when I will be testing.
  5. ITT Canton March 2014

    Hey, did u hear anything yet?
  6. ITT Canton March 2014

    My name is on the list for the Sept 2014 list. Hopefully, I'll get a call to take the test. This 1 year in advance waiting process is nerve wrecking lol. When did they call you for the Sept class?