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About handerson12

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  1. Does anyone know when/how (email vs. snail mail) we should expect to get our financial aid packages? Also, cnp2012, is there an established procedure for submatriculating into an MSN program during the BSN portion? If so, how many students choose to...
  2. Also, does anyone have any experience with or opinions about Baltimore? Frankly, that is one of my biggest minuses for Hopkins. I don't want to feel unsafe all of the time.
  3. Congrats, all! I am also having a debt aneurysm, but it is comforting to know that I'm not the only one having the happiness-quickly-followed-by-panic reaction. Is anyone deciding between Hopkins and Penn? What factors are weighing most on your min...
  4. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    @cchun. Thanks and congrats! I was also accepted to Jeff and to Mass General in Boston. I really don't want to move (I love Philly and have family here), so I'm leaning towards choosing between Jeff and Penn. I have my heart set on Penn and my wallet...
  5. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    Also accepted! YAY! Now I have no idea how to make the decision about shelling out the extra money compared to some other programs... Good luck to all!
  6. MGHIHP Accelerated BSN May 2014

    @kmp--Are a lot of people from the Boston area/do people stay there after graduation? Also, I realize that you're still IN the program, but can you give us a sense of what to expect with regards to job placement after we finish? Basically, do grads f...
  7. MGHIHP Accelerated BSN May 2014

    @kmp, how many of the classes are online/hybrid?
  8. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    this wait is starting to straight up drive me crazy.
  9. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    Also--parking tends to be a headache here.
  10. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    I currently live in Philly too, and I've never even desired a car. I pretty much walk everywhere, but I had to rely on public transit when I dislocated my knee several months ago, and I still managed to get everywhere on time. I live in Graduate Hosp...
  11. MGHIHP Accelerated BSN May 2014

    I'm in the same exact boat as you. I got in with a scholarship, and the clinical placements are certainly enticing. The money makes it really difficult to say no. The only reason I'm hesitating is that I'll be moving to a new city, and having a stron...
  12. UPenn Second Degree BSN 2014

    Hi everyone! I am also in the Penn absn 2014 applicant pool, and I just received my interview time for Wednesday. I am SUPER nervous. Has anyone interviewed yet, and can you give us a sense of what to expect? (I realize that most of the people here h...
  13. UPenn Direct Entry BSN/MSN 2014

    Hi folks! Is anyone here applying to just the ABSN program (not the combined option), and do you know if those interviews have started yet? Penn is my top choice, and I'm growing increasingly anxious. Thanks in advance!