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About chansonsrna

Married going to Mt Marty College in August

Latest Activity

  1. Sleep & CRNA school

    Sleep....what is that? j/k. I have found that the body adapts to a change in sleep cycles after a short time (2 months). I have only done a couple of weeks of clinicals, but it's the very early...
  2. PDA or Laptop?

    Would get both palm (life drive which rocks the shazba) and laptop (I have a desktop, but several of my classmates have laptops and I wish I would have purchased instead) Whatever you get, do it...
  3. Compare & Contrast Please

    Well i'm about one year into school, so my didactic is nearly over (less than 3 weeks till clinical starts). Well, I don't think undergrad compares to the graduate level. When I was in undergrad I...
  4. I'd suggest going to could be helpful, are your other group members stumped as
  5. Interesting OB Case

    Like having the clinical questions...I agree w/spinal would have to b/c need to block to T4 for C-section. Also good to blunt r/o autonomic hyperreflexia. Would also consider regional as my primary...
  6. Call for Advice

    lol, the reference to TP was my poor stab at humor, which is another thing I fear I haven't had enough time to work on while in school....I did find the john wayne tp reference hilarious...never tried...
  7. Call for Advice

    I concur...I miss life, and I don't just mean luxuries (ie shows, dinner out, 2 ply TP, etc). I also miss 6-7 hours of sleep, and seeing my wife. Still wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world....
  8. To the OP congrats....Well I am 9 mos into my program Mt Marty (front loaded NA program in South Dakota) fast the human mind assimilates information what I mean is that I could have...
  9. For All SRNA's/ RRNA's

    Nitecap, Great Post!.....2nd semester in at Mount Marty College in the frozen tundra of South Dakota...I find that I just keep coming here and reading, and not contributing. I will definately make a...
  10. What to know BEFORE school...

    I must say about six months in now.:stone Financial aid is a must to ANYONE before becoming unemployed (the likelihood of having time to work in school is minimal at best). A good idea is to pay down...
  11. Got any funny acronyms at your ER???

    Love this strand....though old it's amazing how the hits keep coming.... MTBFU- My toof be ****ed up (actually complaint from patient with one carrie filled tooth) Funk in the junk (use your...
  12. Online video tutorials

    anes-thanks for your
  13. Just curious if anyone has any links to (free) online video tutorials on CVC/Epidural/AL etc placement. Tried a site and google search without luck, didn't happen to see it in any of the links in this...
  14. Saturated

    Nia, I would not be terribly concerned as of yet that the market is completely saturated. What you should note is what was said "there are 2 CRNAs licensed in NC for every OR suite"....this doesn't...
  15. I know this is an older post, but someone asked about study requirements in school. Started last week and now seem to understand that whole "staggering amount of information to assimilate concept."...