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All Content by kris1022

  1. National University SD Cohort 39

    So im assuming we are not going to find out today
  2. National University SD Cohort 39

    I was wondering what our cohort average was before the essay. I know last cohort 38 score. Just seeing if any advisors gave an average before the essays. I'm defiantly ready to hear the results.
  3. National University SD Cohort 39

    I hope we find out tomorrow !!!! That would be amazing. Anyone know what the average is for our cohort before the test?
  4. National University SD Cohort 39

    I spoke to jj after the test and he said 3-4 weeks from that date. I just emailed him about it so hopefully he will email back and let me know when
  5. National University SD Cohort 39

    Apple peach I'll be praying for you!!!!
  6. National University SD Cohort 39

    Welcome to the thread… Ya we've all been waiting patiently to hear results. I wish we could at least know what the average is without the essay.
  7. National University SD Cohort 39

    Good luck apple peach, I hope you get in. Having to wait that long would kill me.
  8. National University SD Cohort 39

    Does anyone know what the last testing day was or are they still doing test & essays
  9. National University SD Cohort 39

    Thanks, that what i figured but when my advisor dropped me from my current class & told me SPN340a I just did wouldn't count I was confused. But he emailed me today informing me he was incorrect
  10. National University SD Cohort 39

    same here i check this and the portal like 5 times a day,,, I wish it was the end of Feb already.
  11. National University SD Cohort 39

    I believe the scores will depend on those of us applying to this cohort. it could be lower or higher than last cohorts.
  12. National University SD Cohort 39

    I took my test on 1/31. I just spoke to my advisor and he gave me the same info as jennaready86 posted. What I don't understand is that if we get accepted to this cohort will these classes need to be finished to obtain our bachelors? My understanding...
  13. National University SD Cohort 39

    yes please let me know what classes they are. I just finished Spn 340A (spanish for the workplace), Currently in Hub 500(Cross-Cultural Dynamics) and in April i will be taking Spn 341(Cross-Cultural Communication)
  14. National University SD Cohort 39

    I never received a letter. My advisor called me and informed me of the bad news.
  15. National University SD Cohort 39

    i have also seen the past cohorts timeframe.. Friday after the test I asked JJ Omar when we would find out and he said 3-4 weeks. Hopefully they will stick to that date cause I'm already on pins and needles.
  16. National University SD Cohort 39

    I am currently standing at 73.19 before the essay. I hoping for at least a 3 on the essay to put me at 85.19. Hopefully that will get me in. Ya, I defiantly don't want to take all these additional classes. JJ Omar said 3-4 weeks
  17. National University SD Cohort 39

    Yes, I agree with all of you. Lets pray we all get in!!! do we know what the point average is for our cohort?
  18. National University SD Cohort 39

    I applied to the generic BSN. You?
  19. National University SD Cohort 39

    pugaholic Thanks so much for the tips. I am nervous. If you don't mind sharing, what was your score and essay topic?
  20. National University SD Cohort 39

    Good luck to you as well!!! hopefully we both don't get much chem questions. I am horrible as well.
  21. National University SD Cohort 39

    Blansh73 if you don't mind sharing, what was you essay topic?
  22. National University SD Cohort 39

    I will also be taking it on Friday. What did you think of it ? Was there a lot of chem? I was going to take it before my actual date at National but they told me I could only take it once every 60 days (doesn't matter if its w/ National or another si...
  23. National University SD Cohort 39

    Thanks dukesmama, I take my teas and essay next friday. Also did you hear the changes to the curriculum for the nursing program that is in effect as of next week. There are an additional 5-7 classes required before you can apply. So that means if we ...
  24. National University SD Cohort 39

    thegoodwife how did your do on your teas and essay? What was the prompt they gave you.
  25. National University SD Cohort 39

    Tashachamps just an FYI that i found out from my advisor is that we can only take the TEAS once every 60 days . I too has myself taking the teas at SDSU on the 25th just to get an idea but he said whatever i scored that day would be the one i would ...