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All Content by 1Tulip

  1. That is what the administrator of "Renown" (the facility formerly known as Washoe Medical Center) is ALLEGED to have said to a group of doctors and their wives two weeks ago. Unfortunately for Jim Miller, some of those spouses were (surprise!) nurse...
  2. Mormon Undergarment

    Thanks Ken... Glad to here that these situations can be dealt with by using consideration, respect and good manners.
  3. Are you prepared for Avian Flu?

    We had H5N1 here in 67 and 68. I was in nursing school and was majorlly sick, fever out the roof, lungs full of concrete. But being young, I survived. Now the story would be different since I have reactive airway disease. I don't suppose anyone k...
  4. Mormon Undergarment

    Just a question here: Isn't it considered bad (a disgrace, or something) if non LDS (i.e. Gentiles) see let alone handle the sacred underware. Did I get the wrong information?
  5. You Know You're an Old(er) Nurse If . . .

    New grad at report didn't know what "coca-cola urine was". (Maybe this is a Southern thing...) Told him to take the foley bag and shake it vigorously. If it foams, it's bile. Thought I was a friggin' genius. Nope. Just old. Anyone remember mil...
  6. You Know You're an Old(er) Nurse If . . .

    1. You stood when the doctor came in the station/floor. (OK, I'm really not that old, but my supervisor was and she made me do it.) 2. You carried (or rolled) the Kardex along behind the doctors when they made rounds. 3. You had all the meds writ...
  7. Doctors' rounds

    We have a rigidly set "stroke rounds" at 0800 every AM. Absolutely worst time in the world for this and we are expected to know everything about our strokes, what the CAT showed, has the MRI with/without been read, what anti-thrombotics have been st...
  8. Doctors' rounds

    We have a rigidly set "stroke rounds" at 0800 every AM. Absolutely worst time in the world for this and we are expected to know everything about our strokes, what the CAT showed, has the MRI with/without been read, what anti-thrombotics have been st...
  9. RENOWN HEALTH makes a resounding thud

    There was recently the big annual formal Seasonal party/ball/ schoomz the medical staff holiday party that the hospital puts on. Rumor had it that the whole color scheme, rather than being seasonal (gold, silver, red, green or whatever) was all purp...
  10. Nursing educators- salaries

    Well, hello again you-all! I'm checking back in to let you know how my job application went. I didn't get it. Was bummed. What can you do with a PhD when the education community doesn't want you? So I starred in my own little pitty party for a wh...
  11. generation gap among nurses

    I think the OP is probably too new to have been around and met enough "old" nurses to make a considered judgement. I graduated in '71. I laid out of bedside nursing for roughly 15 years, but kept up on the education front. Came back to a neuro unit...
  12. I am just beside myself trying to take care of patients who speak NO English. I work in Neuro. Last night, fully 10% of our patients were Spanish only. It's driving me crazy, mostly because I can't do my job. I can't make assessments of subtle ch...
  13. Non-English speaking patients

    Those are some great ideas, Pepper. I will get my index cards out and start making a "deck" my patients and I can use. We still have the problem trying to figure out if the patient has receptive aphasia, or if we are not speaking his/her language or...
  14. Non-English speaking patients

    Yes... We use the AT&T translator services. We try to find that one friend or relative who is bilingual, and we have a list of employees who are willing to come in and translate for us, whether it's French or Japanese or Italian or Spanish. BUT ...
  15. Will somebody PLEASE tell these doctors....

    21. PLEASE! Do NOT tell your patients they're going to be discharged and then not write the order... or write the order for ANOTHER doctor to clear the patient for discharge. Don't let the "D" word past your lips unless and until you are actually sen...
  16. If I could I'd run this hospital without nurses

    Dear Gitterbug. One of the nice things about living in Northern Nevada is that we are only a short drive from the capital. And the state is small enough that any group speaking with a unified voice gets listened to. And that's good. BUT... if w...
  17. Nurse-Missionary?

    I'm not nor have I ever been a missionary. But I've met a lot of them and been a financial supporter. Obviously, experience is important. If you are in a primitive area, you're going to have to be able to function with none of the stuff we're used...
  18. Should I leave nursing?

    Well... Sounds like a lot of your problems are the environment in which you're working. The nurses I work with are terrific, we're friendly with each other and try to watch each other's backs. We have a buddy system and cover each other so that we ...
  19. Pharmacology help

    Hmmmm... I would think learning Pharmacology (you know... drugs and what they do) would be more important than how you round off the product of a series of multiplications. BUT... unless they've made up some kind of "New Math" that exists only in a p...
  20. If I could I'd run this hospital without nurses

    Thanks gitterbug. The accusation I am making is very serious. If I can't verify that he said these things, I will assume it's a baseless rumor and will apologize all over myself. However, here in our state, about 12 yrs ago, the Hospital Associatio...
  21. Paper Topic-- Clueless. Please read!

    THE ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT WRITING A SUCCESSFUL PAPER is to limit your topic. You must narrowly focus your discussion. If this is an English Comp class, I'm assuming this is a writing exercise. If it's a writing exercise, the point i...
  22. Just wanting to pick your brains for a sec..

    Dementia workup should rule out one of the most (only?) curable causes of dementia and that is normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). A non-contrast CT scan will do this. It will also show multiple (old) lacunar infarcts. The MRI (much more expensive...
  23. RENOWN HEALTH makes a resounding thud

    Yeah... you're absolutely right. It's unseemly in its arrogance. But, even if it was mistaken for an old-style county hospital, is there anything essentially shameful or bad about that? I think it's more honorable to convey the idea that your hosp...
  24. Pica

    Many years ago when I was a nsg. student in the very deep south, there was a notorious place on the Mississippi River Bank at which an amazing number of people harvested clay to eat. A pt. came in with bowel obstruction and her flat plat abdomen loo...
  25. A question has been raised on another thread about why clinical practica are usually pass-fail, though they often constitute a significant number of credit hours. That is to say, suppose a student really busts their hump to submit excellent written ...