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All Content by AliAshley

  1. Thanks!! Did you get any other information on the program? Did the nurse recruiter contact you yet? I am supposed to get an email with more information but I haven't heard from her yet.
  2. I got offered a position on the oncology floor! Yay :) good luck everyone!
  3. Thanks I hope so too! Did anyone else hear anything or get job offers?
  4. Congrat to u!! :) best of luck in ur new career!
  5. Ya I dunno I've only heard from the few people on here. U know how many people they r interviewing?
  6. Has anyone heard anything yet?
  7. For the new grad program u had to have ur BSN. But I'm not sure about all the positions. I think u can apply to other jobs there that don't say experience required. I'm not sure if those require BSN.
  8. I had my interview today. I was told they were interviewing all the way up until next week and we should hear something next Friday.
  9. Noo I've been practicing all the basic questions and behavior and some situational. I feel like I'm well prepared I'm just not a very good interviewer. I've already been on 3 interviews in the last month with 0 offers. I guess if anything I've just b...
  10. Ooo that's so weird that the interview process is different for everyone. I applied to All the units. Maybe u haven't heard back because they are still interviewing. Good luck to u! What unit are u interested in?
  11. Ooo hmmm mine is with the nurse recruiter and then all the units that are taking new grads. So it's a panel interview with like 5 people. Was yours for a specific unit?
  12. Thanks! Did u interview for labor and delivery or all the units?
  13. I didn't have an interview yet but I have one scheduled for next week.
  14. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    I feel u. I don't wanna work med surge either. I really love nicu and peds but right now I'm will to take what I can get. Did u call yesterday and talk to someone that told u the 27?
  15. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Nope. But I feel like if they made some calls they prob made all. Who knows tho. I guess we will find out for sure by Monday. But I lost all hope ... Anyone know any any new grad jobs we can apply to now? Or any new grad friendly hospitals?
  16. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Did anyone get a call?
  17. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Ya I have mine too.
  18. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    No there wasn't a test. They are all pretty much behavioral questions. So just be prepared with lots of stories. Good luck :)
  19. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Ya the women from human resources said 2 weeks. But I'm hoping it will be sooner than that.
  20. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Chownykeyrn13 trust me I would much rather be in your shoes lol. I'm just repeating in my head how I could have done better. At least after ur interview u will know most likely right away. The waiting is killing me. Good luck on ur interview :)
  21. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Ya 2 weeks is a long time. I'm hoping we find out sooner. We shall see. Good luck to u! They told me they wish they could hire all of us! Me too lol wouldn't that be soo much easier on everyone :)
  22. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Kennedy's mommy I interviewed today too. Thought it went okay but I've never interviewed before so don't have anything to compare it to. Do you know when we will find out? Everyone seemed super nice it would be awesome to work there.
  23. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    What is the process for volunteering at Loma Linda? I would like to look into that incase I don't get picked up this time around. I really want to work at Loma Linda and I am willing to work as a PCA if it would increase the likely hood of getting ...
  24. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Wow congrats on your position! I just finished my interview today. Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck in the residency !
  25. Loma Linda RN Residency In Peds March 2014

    Yup losing my mind too! I don't think I'll ever be ready. I'm so scared lol. My interview is at 830. How about yours?