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All Content by tiffanycmt

  1. In my opinion whenever you get females together there is going to be gossip it's kind of in our nature. I have to say im guilty of it myself.
  2. Nursing Homes

    It sounds like to me that resident would benifit more with a long term care facility. Where they are able to meet all of the residents needs 24/7. I agree with the previous post a assited living home is more for residents that can do most for themsel...
  3. Medication Nurse Assistants

    i would just like to say god bless ppl like you blue. We need more ppl to have such compassion and respect for the elderly reguardless of there title. god bless tiffany
  4. Medication Nurse Assistants

    I have responded to a similar post on here before and it just became a little to heated for me. I am a cmt "medication aide" I just started a second job and my job responsibilitys have gone way up. After seeing how some facilitys let med techs do abo...
  5. a gpn is after you have completed the lpn program but have not yet taking the nclex test i believe shes taking it this week and then doing a bridge over program. I just dont get why someone would waste the time and energy in something they already kn...
  6. I've ran into the same problem here lately we have a gpn at the facility i work at who is going on to get her rn and i asked her if she was excited about becoming a nurse and she said "I'm excited about the money". For some reason that INFURIATED me ...
  7. Prioritization Question

    hmmm tricky question it would be between c and d the other two seem to be the least priorty in my opinion. Although D would be unlikely you know how state loves the word restraint.
  8. Dosage Calc - teaching ourselves ??

    After reading all these posts ya'll have me worried sick. I'm hoping to get in to lpn school in August I have 6 yrs exp in geriatrics as a cna/cmt so at least i have some exp im hoping that will help. Unfortunetly i am very poor in math a friend of m...
  9. Rita's coming-my hospital won't close!!

    God bless everyone in the path of this horrible hurricane. i can NOT believe they would put anyone in harms way when the mayor herself said "if you stay your on your own" I'm a med tech but wish to be a nurse soon and i have asked myself (even though...
  10. Well what doesnt make to much since to me with such a shortage of nurses Why don't they try to provide more help with funds. I have been working for 6 years in LTC cna and cmt work and would LOVE to be a nurse and believe that i could be a very good ...
  11. Med Error!!!!

    I'm just a CMT but i have made a med error i forgot to give a scheduled siniment @ midnoc I caught it @ 3am and just wrote myself up for a med error. I think it's normal to make a error were only human. whats nice about our med cart it's set up by ti...
  12. first CNA job opportunity, what to look for...

    This bothers me alot.....First of all if you HATE being a CNA then you dont need to be one. Residents are still people and people catch on when you do things. So if you have the "i hate this" attitude it will reflect on the way you work and treat the...
  13. Is anyone near or in the path of Katrina?

    First of all my heart goes out to all of you that have lost or know someone that has lost everything from this awful hurricane. I've been watching the news non stop and have shed many tears. I'm very confused WHY they did not evacuate charity hospita...
  14. preparing for nursing school

    I'm hoping to start LPN school in August 06' I was just wondering if anyone knew of any books or websites i can use to prepare myself for nursing school. I was planning on purchsing a med/surg book. Any other suggestions?? please let me know thank yo...
  15. "Nursing homes" giving nurses a bad rap

    Wow these hit close to home. I have worked in geriatrics for 6 years now and i do the cna work and the med tech work depending on where im assigned that day. Although there are some nurses who i dont have the most respect for i dont see ANY of them a...
  16. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    Well I figured that and obviously this person isnt being serious at least i hope not. However, my punctuation isn't always the best and my spelling needs some improvement but i dont think that makes me un intelligent.
  17. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    I have also read tx's posts and have decided to leave them alone. However I did NOT say that passing med's was a "breeze" it is far from that. But I just hope that comment wasn't directed @ me. I did NOT criticize any nurses I happen to have alot of ...
  18. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    yes i draw blood but NO It's not illegal i am phlebotomy certified seperate class nothing to do with being a med tech
  19. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    I think you very much for your kind words. Okay we have four different sections to our nursing home. I have charted in the nurses notes on all four halls. The LPN'S,RNS and CMTS as well as social services all chart in the same book. On the eve shift ...
  20. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    okay i wasnt planning on even looking @ this thread anymore but i read what you wrote and had to comment on it. tonight @ work i was working as a aide on the east floor the west floor had a charge nurse call in. they tried to replace but of course w...
  21. Well first of all I think whenever you get females together your going to have gossip it's in our nature. But I agree gripeing doesnt solve anything but sometimes its hard not to. Like today I talked to my friend that works days and she told me were ...
  22. Next set of questions...

    Okay here it goes and would love to see more questions 1c 2b 3a 4c
  23. Nursing Issue - Medication Aides

    I just wanted to thank you for your kind words. You know its positive feedback like this that really makes me want to pursue nursing. I have meant some very encouraging ppl on this site praise god for that. I have decided i have voiced my opinion on ...
  24. Work frustration poll

    hmmm i was just wondering skin care d/t rushing and "carelessness" could that be b/c they have about six call lights going off, 2-3 alarms going off and trying to get jane doe dressed and up in time to get her supper or whatever it may be. As for the...
  25. new students - what do you fear most?

    I to have many fears about going to nursing school. I shake very much and i was unaware that beta blockers can help with that something for me to think about. Also im very shy so i dont know what im going to do when we have to give a report in front ...