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About mdominguez

L&D Nurse, Military Wife, and Mommy❤️

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  1. Pregnant and school

    I'm 37 weeks pregnant and in my 2nd semester (4 semester program). I'm fortunate enough to be due toward the end of the semester so I will just have to go back for lecture/exams and then will have Christmas break off. I've doubled up on my clinical r...
  2. Muskogee, Oklahoma-Connors State FEEDBACK & OPINIONS

    I am a current student at CSC and am preparing to start my 2nd semester in a few weeks. Connors has a really good reputation in the region and I have had a really positive experience thus far. As with all things, you get what you put into it. Course ...
  3. I got in! Spring '14!!

  4. 2014 Applicants

    Applied to Connors State my acceptance letter yesterday!!!! Wahoo!!!
  5. Spring 2014 Nursing Hopefuls

    Connors State College...hoping to find out the first week of November! (Still checking the mail everyday hoping it will miraculously arrive sooner). Good luck everyone!