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  1. Taking A&P 1 and 2 in one Summer?

    I took A&P I and II in two five week classes over summer of 2014. I went from being homeschooled and barely knowing how to take exams to that.. I won't lie, it was pretty overwhelming. I think that it kind of depends on your ability to memorize, ...
  2. Any Advice for a Pre-Nursing Student?

    Thanks! I'm getting through the A & P fairly well thankfully! Well enough to not have to retake them or anything so I'm happy about that! :) I appreciate the advice!
  3. Any Advice for a Pre-Nursing Student?

    Hey all! I'm in my last week of A&P II for the summer, with A&P I before it (5 weeks each.... yeah). I am really starting to get more interested in nursing and excited about it. I'll be starting fall classes in two weeks! After that I'll have...