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All Content by abc123RN

  1. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    One fish, two fish, red fish, PINK fish!
  2. One Full Time School

    I only have one school but another nurse in the area covers 2 schools. I subbed for her before I got hired here and I hated dividing the day like that. Happy to only have one building to cover.
  3. Seems parents aren't parenting

    I would like to add that the back up contacts should be relatively nearby, same town or state!! Yes I have a VA family that listed parents and grandparents to be contacted...grandparents live in upstate NY!! NO other contacts listed, none!
  4. HSV-1 Whitlow

    That's what I was thinking, dressing and glove. Would he leave the glove in place or pull it off?
  5. My new bulletin board

    34 more school days here. 32 for me, taking a long weekend the end of the month. Girls weekend in SC.
  6. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    I'm in the pink from head to toe today!! Only 7 more school Pink Wednesdays for me, not that I'm counting or anything!
  7. T-shirt Sayings

    As someone posted on the ringworm thread..."WIPE IT DOWN"
  8. It wouldn't be the first day back from spring break....

    Cause a girl to choke, why don't ya!? Computer screen covered in Dr Pepper once again!
  9. We once had a frog missing in our basement for 3 weeks, caught him and he lived a good life for several years in a habitat in our son's bedroom. Long story as to WHY there was a live frog loose in the house...I am the proud mother of curious children...
  10. Cops and Nurses

    I received a warning one morning on my way to work (school nurse) by a trooper that lives in the school zone where I work. His child will be attending my school soon and just gave me a warning. Later that morning one of the teachers was in the office...
  11. Friday!

    TGIF!!!! It's been a week from H E double hockey sticks!! and we have only been here three days this week...just one more hour...
  12. Somebody remind me again !!

    Yes please explain why!
  13. This is not why I became a nurse

    Just spewed Pepsi all over my screen!!! Just think what that could do for flip flops!
  14. TGIT!

    Jealous! This is our spring break and Easter. I am taking off in April for a girls weekend. More excited for that trip than this break. No kids, husbands or crazy parents!
  15. TGIT!

    Two hours and I'm outta here!! Be back on Wed.
  16. This is not why I became a nurse

    May I print, copy, laminate and distribute to each teacher and post in all classrooms? This is great!!
  17. This is not why I became a nurse

    I feel like such a failure already today! Broken glasses this morning, kid and 2 teachers standing around my desk when I looked at them to see if there was anything I could do. Frames twisted and broken, one teacher (young and clueless) is shocked th...
  18. Do you interact with students outside of the office?

    Why is it they always spot "THE NURSE" when the grocery cart is full of the adult beverages?!? My cart can be full of healthy veggies and not a single kid from my school in sight, but the minute I pick up a six pack or wine they swarm around the cart...
  19. I'm not popular today

    And here I thought I was just absent that day! LOL! Also the shoe fixing day and tooth pulling lesson day!
  20. Let's encourage each other.

    I look forward everyday to coming here and "seeing" all of you. You all have taught me so much about school nursing, made me laugh daily and showed me that there is someone else out there facing the same issues in their schools that pop up in mine. T...
  21. I'm not popular today

    Don't forget, ear wax remover (not happening with these squirmy little ones), shoe repair shop, eye glasses fixer, laundress.
  22. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Pink and purple today. How does it go OldDude? Long sleeve 100% cotton PINK tee shirt? Chilly this morning, needed something under the scrubs.
  23. Paranoid teacher

    Can you imagine what this teacher is going to be like once this child she is carrying starts school!?! Daycare?!?
  24. Never Have I Ever Done That Before

    This month I have made my first 2 calls to CPS. Saddest and hardest two calls I have ever had to make. I already know that the first call has gotten results and a child's life will hopefully be better now. Praying that this call today will benefit an...
  25. Friday!

    Strangest day ever! Stated with the "stranger in the parking lot", turned out to be a teacher sub. Sub sent every single kid in the class to the nurse for the MOST unnecessary reasons. This sub had zero control over the class, it was total chaos!! E...