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About Runnergirl239

Runnergirl239 has 15 years experience.

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  1. Inpatient Boarders?

    I work in a busy ER in Southwest Florida. We have 32 rooms but use hallway beds and chairs. We also have a fast track area and a rapid treatment area that is in the waiting area for patients who are not going to be admitted. We see around 240 and u...
  2. How much did NP school prepare you?

    Dodongo, Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Robbin and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine I am starting NP school in January. Which of these books would...
  3. Nova Southeastern University FNP Fall 2018

    I will be in the winter class in Tampa. Anyone else in that class? I had a phone interview and found out on the phone that day I was accepted into the program. I have been very impressed so far with all the contact I have had with everyone. Good luc...
  4. Moving to Ft. Myers area

    Hello all! I have a couple of questions. First off my husband and I are going to just pick our family up and more to the Ft. Myers area next summer. We now live in the northern Ohio area and we really can't take the snow and cold anymore. We will hav...