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  1. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    The nursing website states that the top 80 candidates will be called for interview for the ABSN program. So 40 will be offered spots.
  2. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    My phone does it for me. XD Also, for those still waiting, my email specifically said "Dear (my name)", so each letter is individualized. Looks like they are going by time, so keep your chins up! lol. Thanks Daniela!
  3. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Just got my invite!!! XD ABSN 9:15am. :)
  4. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Oh man, now I'm starting to worry.
  5. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Ouch. That's going to be very pricey indeed. Especially with all the cancellations and delays from the weather this week. I wish you best of luck! Still haven't heard anything yet either. I'm wondering if they are going to go out late tonight like th...
  6. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I am thinking interview times may be staggered into groups. So they may have a 1pm group, 1:30 group, and so on. May take longer. Just a guess though.
  7. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I'm an ABSN applicant. Nothing here yet. I'm curious if they are doing different interview times. Any other traditional applicants get an interview time besides 1pm? Dr. D has been invaluable to the FAU CoN. I understand that everyone is stressed an...
  8. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I'm assuming she was a traditional applicant since their interviews run in the afternoon of that day. ABSN interviews are in the morning. :) P.S. Now I'm really starting to freak out. congratulations to all who have received their interview letters t...
  9. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I have been thinking the same thing all week. Lol
  10. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I like that theory. Lol.
  11. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Ah, okay. I had a lab partner who applied last year in almost the same situation as you. Great grades, no acceptance.
  12. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I've had this same thought several times.
  13. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Out of curiosity, gforge, did you take A&P at FAU this past summer?
  14. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Agreed. XD
  15. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Hey Brianna. I was instructed by NursingCAS to place my Z number under the additional section, so I think you are set there. As for your TEAS scores, you can check to see if you designated them to FAU. Go to your application and click on designations...
  16. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Oh geez. You guys actually had me for a second!
  17. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I had the same issue Katherine. I think since they are still trying to work out how to use NursingCAS we won't be penalized for it. It will just help them make instructions clearer next year.
  18. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I called and they had to add my id for me (once you submit your application there is no longer an option to add additional info). My TEAS was designated and had my FAU ID on it, so I'm hoping that's sufficient.
  19. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Well now I'm freaking out. Lol. I wasn't aware of these issues either. I'm thinking this is going to be a widespread issue amongst applicants, so hopefully we won't be penalized for it. I don't know what I will do with myself if this ruins my chances...
  20. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    I believe it's not in the main application (since that can go to multiple schools). I think it was located in the part of the app where you submitted FAU as your designation. That's my guess anyway, I submitted back in October so I cannot recall exac...
  21. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    As far as I know they do. I would think it would be a mass bcc email or something.
  22. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Hi Kumi. I'm sorry to hear that. I know you must be disappointed. Fortunately, there is no longer a minimum TEAS score for applicants, so you are still safe to apply. I don't think many people on the thread have reported their test scores, so I can'...
  23. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Kumi, I wouldn't worry too much. As Dr. D stated above, these things aren't within your control and therefore will not be held against you. You have done all you can, and now all you can do is wait for the next 2.5 weeks or so until interview invites...
  24. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Thank you so much, Dr. D! It will be a huge relief for those still trying to sort out their transcript issues. :)
  25. FAU 2014 ABSN applicants

    Welcome and best of luck! mchel- be sure to update us once you hear something. I hope all this works out for you!