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All Content by TLizS

  1. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    I'm not sure about pricing and quality but I can tell ya whats near by! These are directly across the street from campus COLLEGE PARK-Weatherford | Overview these are right behind the first link I posted...within walking distance Southgate Glen Apart...
  2. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    No prob I was totally hoping to be able to buy the books used....I was disappointed to find out it wasn't an option.....and I know it's so much easier to know ahead of time exactly what you have to spend than to find out a few weeks before classes l...
  3. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    I'm currently a first semester ADN student @wc....just wanted to clarify about the books (so yall can be prepared) You can't buy them used....we get a discounted bundle price from the publisher that includes all of the online accesses you need soooo...
  4. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    our schedule is tue 8-5, wed 8-2, fri 8-12, and clinicals every other thursday 6:30-2:30 no idea if it will be the same for the first semester fall students or not...I think it varies on how they have to schedule in order to get everyone some time in...
  5. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    45 (or somewhere around there) for the spring is what we were told before....(not sure if that is both campuses or not though?) My advice is to get in touch with the success connection on campus and find out about the skills tutor online platform. I...
  6. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    I just looked at the new points on the website and yes.... it looks like your points for the TEAS are based on your total adjusted individual score....(which is your score on the whole test somehow averaged with the national average or something alon...
  7. When should I apply?

    depending on the requirements of your program.... If you are able to apply before completing micro (the program I got accepted to allows you to apply with your final prereqs in progress...but you only get the points that would be allotted for a C in ...
  8. Any tips on survival?

    Congrats on getting accepted! I start my program Tuesday also! I think that I let myself get a little stressed out by reading other people's horror stories....I psyched myself out and got REALLY stressed out before I even started. That's when I deci...
  9. Starting clinicals in ADN program?

    we have clinical orientation on the 3rd week....actual clinicals start the next week i believe
  10. This is my method.... Before lecture I read/skim (a combo of both.....try to pick out the most important things to read well...and skim the things that seem less important). I also take notes while I read about what I feel like is important... then...
  11. Perfect App for Nursing Students

    I agree it's not a risk I would be willing to take posting anything on there...I've worked to hard to get where I am to jeopardize it over posting a photo online.....but it is interesting to browse though....
  12. Perfect App for Nursing Students

    Just downloaded it! it looks really interesting
  13. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    Go talk to Karen.....she is really helpful and can tell you exactly how many points you will have and stuff.....I can't imagine that they would change that I just don't want to say yeah! It will count! And then it doesn't :) I haven't read through th...
  14. Starting Up Again Next Week

    Good luck! I start my first semester next Tuesday and I am nervous/excited. I hope I find my groove's just nerve wracking not really knowing what to expect
  15. Eating healthy

    I have a TON of meal prep pages.....and healthy recipes pinned on pinterest....some day I'll have time to go through them and get some good ideas for now my go to is usually brown rice/steamed veggies (I mix this up to give me variety.....if I have ...
  16. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    Classes that are in progress count for the points value that a C would be worth...So if it's 4pts for an A....3 pts for a B....and 1 pt for a would receive 1 point for A&P2 on your application (and your acceptance would be conditional o...
  17. Tips for Pharmacology

    in my program we don't have a pharmacology class either....but they do require us to purchase the maxi-learn system I'm just starting sooo I can't really tell you how I like it but I believe there is a downloada...
  18. Clinicals and stethoscope?

    I have a cheapie then I was given the littman cardiology I I I as a gift. I can hear so much better with the littman. I had intended to purchase the classic se I I but my dad is excited about me getting in and wanted to buy a nicer one for me :) so...
  19. one more kid b4 nursing school?

    I opted to wait until after (its been a really hard decision). I have an 8 year old and almost 6 year old....when I submitted my application we decided that if I didn't get in we would try to get pregnant immediately. I got in and start in a week.....
  20. Tattoos and nursing school NCCC

    In our program you are required to wear long sleeves/keep them covered during clinicals. I know my brothe in law bought one of the sleeves to cover his when he was in the EMT program
  21. Four years to earn an ADN :/

    I understand your frustration....I started my pre-reqs 2 years ago....I am married and have 2 kids....and was running my photography business (which has since taken a back burner because something had to give) i start my ADN program in a week and pl...
  22. Difference in RN education

    It's interesting how different nursing education can vary....I don't think I would want to choose my "specialty" before I ever started my program.....I really have no idea where I want to end up working in the long run
  23. Weatherford ADN Fall 2015

    Yes! If you apply for the summer application period you will find out if ýou are accepted around october...and start in january
  24. I start on the 12th and as much as I am trying to just relax...that's hard for I have been working on getting organized....bought a new planner...downloading all my e text books to my tablet so that I won't have to haul all my books...picki...
  25. I've never known someone who was qualified and truly wanted to be a nurse who didn't end up in a program one way or another. Maybe they didn't take the traditional route. ...I know some who chose to take the lvn-rn route instead. And some applied se...