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About Agray40

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  1. Do RNs get extra pay for working with students?

    Out of curiosity how long have you been a nurse and who taught you when you went to school?
  2. Do RNs get extra pay for working with students?

    Were you too not a nursing student once? Who taught you? Yes you are busy we as students get that. I'm so tired of hearing about how terrible it is to have to have us nursing students on your shift! We are there to learn and we are eager to learn jus...
  3. How to study properly?

    I'm just finished my 3rd week. I got an 85 on our first unit exam but have not been doing week on the 10 point ATI quizes. I met with our student advisor on Friday and she really gave me good advice. If your instructor gave you a syllabus or a course...