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  1. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Thank you! Did anyone’s admitted student portal change? Looks like the BSN program did
  2. Samuel Merritt Spring 2021 BSN

    Mine still says under review! Does anyone else?
  3. Samuel Merritt Spring 2021 BSN

    Don’t worry - I am dying too haha
  4. Samuel Merritt Spring 2021 BSN

    Mid October.... .-. Then they said within 2 weeks of mid October haah. So, seems they are behind
  5. Samuel Merritt Spring 2021 BSN

    Hijacking from ABSN, so some people got their acceptances already but others haven’t heard anything (me). From other people, seems like they go in waves.
  6. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Ahh still no word. Rip
  7. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Aw, I love this forum! Out of curiosity - how is everyone planning to pay for the program? Hmm... For me, I would need loans. I wish I was rich.
  8. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    If it makes you guys feel better - I haven't started studying either. Since I expected the results to come in October and figured to study if I get rejected. I kept saying, oh just one more day/week and I will know. I am working 5-6 days a week and ...
  9. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Oh- wait so you mean, you think people got a letter are the ones who got accepted and just seeing if people reject/accept?
  10. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Anyone got any news? I didn’t
  11. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Do they send decisions out on weekends?
  12. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Same, I hope they didn’t send out the admission emails first and reject everyone else. I haven’t gotten anything
  13. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I heard 300+
  14. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Yay! So we are all normal. Well, this is funny. Waiting for election and admission results.
  15. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Thank you! How about the front page? It says for me - it’s only for admitted students only? Wondering if that means I got rejected :(. But that part still says under review Thank you! I’d rather know if I got rejected or not.
  16. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    does it also say in big letters - this is only for Admitted Students only? Thanks everyone for this thread haah. Makes me feel less anxious.
  17. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Just signed up for portal. My application still says under review :(. Hm...
  18. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Should I check the portal or patiently wait...IDK how to look at portal? hopefully, I’m neevous! Haha congrats to all!
  19. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    OMG really? When did you get email? I didn’t get any Congratulations! I guess since I didn’t get an email yet, I might have no gotten in ?
  20. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    That’s true! Thank you for the insight! I guess I should began studying now for the HESI edit: I think I already went crazy hahaha
  21. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Another day of nothing haah. Will at least the election is keeping me busy
  22. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    And just wanted to type. Yet another day so no news. but Election Day today! Yay
  23. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Hey, do you can check out university of England. It is $$$. But honestly- register at any community college since it’s all online now. Check with the professor though.
  24. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Thank you two for understanding haha! Just since I need to plan my life and my work is asking me if I can work the holidays. I am planning on taking at least two weeks off if I get in LOL so true! Or maybe they cancel to work on them
  25. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I can’t find it either....hmm