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All Content by Anonymous865

  1. Combative Patients/Body cams/Walkie talkies

    She isn't the only one. There is no way in H--- that I would allow anyone to film me while providing my care. I know society is changing and many people want to share everything about their lives, but I think most people would still object to havi...
  2. Stuttering Nurse

    I don't stutter, but like everyone else I have had many, many times when I felt I had "failed" or "embarassed" myself. What I have observed is that it always seemed much worse to me than it did to my coworkers. If they even noticed my "failure" at ...
  3. why can't i pass this freaking grammar section

    You said in a previous post that you were adept at picking out the part of speech like noun, pronoun, etc. So the reason you would use "me" in this example is that "me" is the objective case and in your sentence "my sister and me" is the object of t...
  4. why can't i pass this freaking grammar section

    Your post is filled with grammar errors. You may have not tried, since this is just a post on a message board. In case you don't recognize the grammar errors, here are some: - Your first sentence contains a comma splice. You cannot connect two ind...
  5. Forced to get flu shot or wear a mask

    If you are in the US, the Affordable Care Act mandates that flu and other vaccines be covered without any copayment or coinsurance. Your insurance company can require that you get it from your provider or at certain locations, but it must be no cost...
  6. Forced to get flu shot or wear a mask

    It is important that a healthcare worker not spread flu to patients, but there is also a bigger reason that hospitals require flu vaccination. Hospitals have a duty to their community and their employees. The hospital has a duty to provide care when ...
  7. Question for Geriatric/LTC Nurses...Elderly Immigrants

    I want to reiterate the advice given you by Alex Egan and KatieMI. Call your US Senator or Representative. My experience has been that they will get this resolved fast. At 5pm one day my mother called her US Senator to ask his staff who to contac...
  8. Question about mixing benzylpenicilin

    Google "reconstitution of intravenous drugs NHS" UK's National Health Service has a guide that will show you how to reconstitute and then dilute common drugs. Benzylpenicillin is one of those drugs.
  9. I&D...sterile procedure?

    I agree. If I were the patient, I would want it performed under sterile technique. If I were the OP, I would want evidence to back me up before I attempted to educate the doc on why his use of clean gloves was not sufficient.
  10. I&D...sterile procedure?

    He may not be wrong. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine says "Abscess I&D is not a sterile procedure but field is customarily sterilized." Emergency Medicine News says "Prep using sterile gloves to keep it a clean procedure, though it is not meant to b...
  11. HIPAA Violation?

    Everyone is taking the position that because they don't object to receiving appointment reminders from their provider that the OP should be just fine with it. That is not respecting the OP's values. I have a problems with the lab sending a reminder....
  12. Question from non-nurse

    If you need to select a skilled nursing facility in the future, the U.S. government publishes information on the quality of care provided in Medicare and Medicaid-certified nursing homes. The tool allows you to search for nursing homes in a specific...
  13. HIPAA Violation?

    Covered entities are expected to accommodate reasonable requests for how an entity communicates with a patient. Requesting that an entity send appointment reminders in a sealed envelope instead of using a postcard is considered a reasonable request ...
  14. FitBit at work

    WOW = Workstation On Wheels COW = Computer On W​heels
  15. FitBit at work

    I have a FitBit Zip. I love it. It can be worn clipped to your pants, shirt, bra, etc. I have friends that clip it to their shoe when they bike to count each time they pedal. I have also found it to be very accurate when counting steps. I am a hu...
  16. I need help for my mom ex Nurse

    ERISA is the law that covers pensions and other retirement plans. Employers are required by law to keep the money to fund the plan segregated from company assests. A lot depends on whether your mother had a pension or an employee funded plan (401K)...
  17. The right to an opinion

    Yes. That can and does happen. Unfortunately it is not just the family that disregards the patient's decisions. Healthcare providers are just as guilty of it. Unfortunately it is not just at end of life. It happens when someone is injured or when ...
  18. Two years ago I had a spiral fracture of my 4th and 5th metatarsals. I had an open reduction and internal fixation. (I have 4 pins.) I went to an orthopedist who does nothing but feet. My ortho did not allow me to put any weight on my foot for 3 ...
  19. The right to an opinion

    Every state has a law that defines who can make medical decisions for a person. In my state the law says that the patient makes the decision. If the patient is not able to make medical decisions, then the healthcare POA makes the decisions. If the ...
  20. Narcan and CPR education

    Regarding CPR - check with your local Red Cross chapter. They train people to be CPR/AED instructors. (In my area the class costs $300 and is 2 days long.) Instructor Certification & Training Classes | Red Cross
  21. Elected official for policy submission

    You need to start with your representative in your state house or senate. If you don't know who that is, your state government web site probably has that information. Your state web site will be your state 2 letter abbreviation followed by ".gov" ...
  22. I absolutely understand that your child is your priority. I am concerned that by not reporting this that you might be confirming to her that she should be embarrassed - that she did something wrong - that she was to blame. Obviously that is not true...
  23. I definitely understand how you feel. I can't even begin to guess how I would feel. I don't even want to imagine it. I think your child is going to be alright, because she was able to talk with you about it. You can protect your child by not allow...
  24. Your child's friend is exhibiting signs of sexual abuse. You need to report it to get the other child the help s/he needs.
  25. medication error

    Regarding worrying about losing your license - When I joined AN, it seemed like people were constantly posting that they were worried about losing their license, so I decided to look at why nurses lose their license. The BON in my state publishes ev...