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All Content by Anonymous865

  1. Is this within my scope?

    A google search found Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia Rule 410-10-.02. Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses (1)The practice of licensed practical nursing means the provision of care for compensation, under the supervision...
  2. Please help, this is complicated.

    You have my deepest sympathy for your terrible loss. I don't think you are being selfish for going back to work. I also don't think you should look at it as a way to "escape my own reality." Your new reality is that you have to build a new life witho...
  3. Using phones as a sitter-thoughts?

    Obviously you must follow the rules of your employer. As Nurse Beth has pointed out, it looks bad to patients and family to see an employee staring at a personal phone screen. I also sympathize with you. I have sat up all night with a hospitalized ...
  4. It is a broken system - rant

    I thought it was standard practice to not honor DNR during surgery. Where I am all the hospitals state that they will always attempt resuscitation during surgery, PACU whether or not a person has an advance directive. The assumption is if an arres...
  5. Patient abuse and the board taking too long to act

    This is not just a case of a nurse mistreating a patient. This is a violation of the prisoner's civil rights. Prisoners are entitled to medical care and attention to treat both short term conditions and long term illnesses. Inmates have the right ...
  6. This is how I would recommend approaching your parents: - express your love and respect for them - thank them for the sacrifices they made to give you this opportunity - acknowledge that the advise they are giving you is from love - acknowledge that ...
  7. Support for Delnor Nurse

    ZDoggMD talked with the sister of the Delnor Nurse who was raped and shot. He then spoke with the nurse and heard her story. The sister has set up a PO Box where people can send support to the nurse. She is struggling. You can send support to Deln...
  8. Manager reporting confidential info to state board

    HIPAA has an exception - "Covered entities may use and disclose protected health information without individual authorization as required by law (including by statute, regulation, or court orders)." If the state has a law that health care providers a...
  9. Reporting to BON

    Of course you need to report this NP to the BON. Evidence of relapse: 1. The NP admitted to the OP that they were using again. 2. The NP's parents told the OP that the NP was using again at a much higher rate than before. 3. The NPT told OP that s...
  10. Urinary System-Advance Anatomy & Physiology

    I've added some comments in the quoted text that should point you in right direction. Of course it has been 30+ years since I took A&P, so you should review the information in your text.
  11. doctor reviews and ratings

    I usually ask my PCP, friends, and family. Then I check the state physician license database. They list any judgements and sanctions against the physician. Then I read the online reviews. If you know any nurses that work in that specialty, you ca...
  12. Male Student in OB Rotation

    Blaundee, I agree with most of what you say. I disagree with your suggestion that the student should approach the patient about watching her delivery. The patient might feel coerced to agree. Many women would feel uncomfortable saying to someone's ...
  13. IV dilution help !!! Help pls

    Yes. You could solve the problem this way. Wuzzie was trying to get you to reason out how to solve the problem rather than memorizing and applying formulas. Note that your answer is not exactly correct. The correct answer is 20mg x 20ml / 5mg NOT 2...
  14. Medical Tourism

    A few years ago I worked for a Fortune 15 company. Their insurance plan included medical tourism. They would pay for airfare, hotel, medical expenses, etc. They would help you select the physician, facility, and arrange it. They claimed the physi...
  15. invalid Hesi question or just tricky

    If you look at the prescribing information put out by the manufacturer, you will find "While formal studies of the interaction of BuSpar with alcohol indicate that buspirone does not increase alcohol-induced impairment in motor and mental performance...
  16. Another Brick in the Wall

    One physician I knew had online discussion groups similar to this for his patients with chronic conditions. For example he might have one for diabetes. He gave his patients the URL and encouraged them to join. Patients could use it to post quest...
  17. Ivpb dosage calculation help

    Your mistake is with 30 min x 60 min/1hour Your goal is to eliminate the "minutes" from the equation, so that the answer uses the unit hours. You can eliminate a unit of measure when it occurs in both the numerator and in the denominator. e.g. 30 m...
  18. Another Brick in the Wall

    I have family and friends who are educators. They all say that you need to teach something 3 times in 3 different ways (e.g. reading, hearing, doing) for the average person to get it. The information may have been provided to the patient, but the pa...
  19. June 2017 Moving to Charlotte, NC

    Another user, RNJackie23, posted recently about being offered a new grad position in Charlotte, NC. You might reach out to them. Here's a link to their post
  20. This concern comes up frequently on here. What people fail to realize is how easy it is to get any of this information w/o getting it from the BON. With someone's first and last name, I can find out with just a few searches: - their current address ...
  21. Do I take my first job offer?? HELP

    Only you can decide if this is the right job for you. Here's some info that might help you decide: Median income for someone under 25 is $35k For the 25-44 age range the median income if $50K. Median home price is $179K. It is a largely young, white...
  22. I think everyone is misinterpreting the OP's question. She isn't asking if she should write someone up or report to a regulatory agency or report to an omsbudsmen. She asked if she should inform her employer of the mix-up. She works for a company tha...
  23. Need help defining ethical dilemmas

    Here's a recent news article that might help you think of ethical delimmas. Connecticut Teen With Curable Cancer Fights to Stop Chemo - NBC News Cassandra C, Connecticut Teen Who Refused Chemo, Speaks About Captivity - NBC News
  24. Drug calculation

    I'm curious if this is just a theoretical math question for a class or if this is for an actual patient? You really need to read the package insert or the drug manufacturer's prescribing information. If you did, you would be really questioning the in...
  25. Help! Pediatric student teaching project ideas

    Preschoolers have an attention span of about 5 minutes, so keep your teaching short and let them learn by doing. Consider a message of "wear your helmet when you get on your trike/bike, scooter, skates, skis." Also answer a Why question for them like...