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All Content by Anonymous865

  1. Heparin Drip decreased Calculation

    It doesn't matter how Heparin comes. The question told you that your drip has 100 units in 1 ml. All the information you need to solve the problem is included in the problem. Muno told you how to solve the problem. If 1 ml contains 100 units, how m...
  2. Are anti-vaccine people conspiracy theorists generally?

    Kooky Korky, here's an article that explains why the flu season in the northern hemisphere is from October to March. The Reason for the Season: why flu strikes in winter - Science in the News The short answer it that the flu virus survives longer at...
  3. Messed up bad.....

    If you go to here Ohio Board of Nursing / Forms Page and scroll down, you'll see a section on their Alternative Program for Chemical Dependency There is a FAQ that you download about the program. They provide an email address and a phone number where...
  4. Spouse vs. MPOA and feeding tubes

    The law allows withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration if the nutrition/hydration are merely prolonging the process of dying. It would not allow it if for example the patient were in a persistent vegetative state. In the original post, the...
  5. Spouse vs. MPOA and feeding tubes

    My state has a similar law. Here's the actual wording in the statute: "A surrogate who has not been designated by the patient may make all health care decisions for the patient that the patient could make on the patient's own behalf, except that art...
  6. Pediatric Dose Calculations

    You're welcome! It was fun. :)
  7. Pediatric Dose Calculations

    I reread your questions. I think the 1st 2 are asking you for the answer in mgs. The last question is asking for mls. I hope you paraphrased the questions to make posting easier and that they are worded better .
  8. Pediatric Dose Calculations

    Yes. That gives you the max safe dose every 6 hours.
  9. Pediatric Dose Calculations

    If you do this, you will determine the max mgs per day. Your question is max DOSE per day. The DOSE is in mls not mgs. You will need to figure out how many mls to give to get the max mgs per day. The label tells you that there are 160mg in 5 ml.
  10. Patient Rights and POA

    The laws vary from state to state. In my state competetence is a legal definition and has to be determined by the courts. Decision making capacity is a medical term and is determined by a physician. A healthcare proxy takes effect when a) a patient...
  11. Because it's true for Sickle Cell Patients Why

    Thanks for posting the links. I'm eager to read them. I find this subject fascinating.
  12. Because it's true for Sickle Cell Patients Why

    If you come across any related studies, please post a link. I'd be interested in reading them too.
  13. Because it's true for Sickle Cell Patients Why

    I have not read any studies showing that health care workers think AA have a higher pain tolerance. I have read studies that show for similar surgeries, injuries, etc. that European Americans are given more analgesics than African Americans and Hisp...
  14. Help me;O : Consent in health law

    OP stated that s/he thought the Dr would be found guilty of criminal battery. It wouldn't be criminal battery. It would be medical battery. Criminal battery would be prosecuted by the district attorney. The penalty would be a fine paid to the sta...
  15. Math calculation. Help!

    You got the correct answer, but the equation you wrote does not match the steps you took to get that answer. You wrote 750mL x 20 gtt/mL x 32gtt/1min You said that was 750 x 20 = 1500 gtt. Then you divided by 32. Your equation indicated that you sho...
  16. Mom suing nurse after suffocation accident

    Scandinavian countries are able to provide this level of support for their citizens because the income tax rate is Denmark 55.8% for 2017. It got as high as 65.9% in 1997. Sweden 57.10% for 2017. Its all time high was 61.4% in 1996. That is more t...
  17. Mom suing nurse after suffocation accident

    Research shows that the top 3 reasons people file a medical malpractice lawsuit is to get the truth, to prevent this from happening to someone else, and to get someone to say I'm sorry and/or acknowledge their injury. Money does make it on the list o...
  18. How to put on an education workshop/ class?

    Contact your local SCORE (Society of Retired Executives) organization for help with the business side of this. Their volunteers mentor people who want to start or grow a small business. They help in developing a business plan. They will provide gu...
  19. Any good studies on the effectiveness of TMS as compared to ECT

    I can't point you to any good papers, but here are some suggestions for how to research the topic: 1. Use to search for papers instead of is more likely to present you with scholarly papers. (As yo...
  20. Medical Terminology is too overwhelming?

    :) I studied Latin and Greek too! I loved it, but they never taught us anything like "Semper ubi, sub ubi."
  21. Medical Terminology is too overwhelming?

    Most medical terminology comes from Latin (sometimes Greek) words. When you are studying the terminology, get into the habit of taking the words apart and looking at the Latin roots. You will see the same roots over and over. Knowing the meaning ...
  22. Need some ideas please !

    exposure to noise on physiological and psychological outcomes in hospitalized patients you could narrow the previous suggestion of p450 and look at just CYP-2D6 polymorphism's effect on pain management
  23. They were in bed together.

    My first thought was a question for a class, since this is the scenario discussed in the current issue of AMA's Journal of Ethics. Ethics and Intimate Sexual Activity in Long-Term Care, July 17 - AMA Journal of Ethics
  24. Nurse practitioner arrested in opioid pill mill

    I didn't see anything in any of the articles that she was working at a pill mill. The articles say she was arrested forpossession of 6000 doses of tramadol. Usually if someone is working at or operating a pill mill, the charges are for overprescri...

    Consider starting some classes for the employees like a "Lunch and Learn." The employees bring their lunch and you teach a health topic. Topics could be: 1. what to expect peri-menopause/post-menopause 2. nutrition - this could be multi week ...