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  1. MRSA Precautions-Isolation or standard?

    I am a LTC nurse and wondering if there is a difference between LTC and Hospitals when it comes to this.It seems that in maintaining a "home like" environment it is a bit less strict? I am still trying to figure out why it would be less strict than t...
  2. MRSA Precautions-Isolation or standard?

    Thank you! this is both confusing, and helpful at the same time :) It seems there is some gray area, depending on if it is contained or not? Still pondering...
  3. Once upon a time, in a job long ago, we put EVERYONE with a mrsa dx on contact precautions. It seems there are now varying ideas as to who needs to be on them vs who doesn't. Wondering what other facilities to in regards to Mrsa, say in nares, or Mrs...
  4. Why would a manager not want to train?

    I appreciate this comment more than you know!(Thank you) It makes sense, and I think this may be what I am seeing/picking up on after a few more days of same. I was really taking it to heart that she didn't want me to learn or didn't feel I could han...
  5. Why would a manager not want to train?

    You do have a good point. it is hard not to take personally though..Your thought is better than mine though, so thank you!
  6. Why would a manager not want to train?

    My first topic . I am starting a new position in a facility I have already been working in (but in a much different role).I accepted the position thinking I would work well with the manager of the unit. Unfortunately, the manager seems to distinctly ...
  7. Would you feel something was wrong...

    Maybe there is new administration.Sometimes when an administrator leaves, the staff follow. This type of mass exodus is much more common than the "cleaning house" theory(no disrespect). Generally DON's don't like to be down that many staff. New admin...
  8. Grrrrr.....

    Was he told that RN stands for "Real Nurse"? It is possible :)
  9. Grumpy Co workers make it so bad, I might just leave

    They are everywhere! Do your best to ignore them. For whatever reason, nurses like to eat their young.Stand strong and let them know you will not be run off. I know nurses who like to think "they" are the only ones who can get it done. Not so! Hang i...