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All Content by Cam1801

  1. PHCC Fall 2013 hopefuls

    They meet mid June, and in past threads students got letters June 16-29th(from what I have read).
  2. PHCC Fall 2013 hopefuls

    I was looking at my gpa and actually have a 3.78! I was looking at everyone's gpa and recalculated mine, and whoops!!!! I can't believe I did that. I have taken Calculus and apparently can't add and multiply. I just hope it is all good enough to get ...
  3. PHCC Fall 2013 hopefuls

    30 minutes left to apply!!!!! Decision time is here, finally:) Just another couple of weeks of waiting!
  4. Hillsborough Community College RN program fall 2013

    They did not say in the email either way, but that is what the lady on the phone at HCC said may happen although she couldn't say either way for sure. She then referred me to a person who would know, and I left a message. I still have no answer. I a...
  5. Hillsborough Community College RN program fall 2013

    I got the same reply today. Thanks to all who replied waiting patiently is easier said then done:)
  6. Hillsborough Community College RN program fall 2013

    I have placed a call to HCC, the Spring application deadline is approaching, and what do you do if you are waiting on your alternate seat? I am not losing hope for the fall, but I would like to apply for Spring if not admitted to the fall. I talked t...
  7. PHCC Fall 2013 hopefuls

    Hi, I have a 3.8gpa and got a 81% on my Teas.
  8. Hillsborough Community College RN program fall 2013

    I am an alternate too. I have a 3.56 gpa. I feel like I am harassing my mailbox! lol:bookworm: