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All Content by OUxPhys

  1. My boyfriend is still unvaccinated

    As a guy I can tell you men won't change. Not for you, not for anyone. I think it's pretty obvious he doesn't want to get one. Like others have said you have to look at what you want out of life. If he won't get it for you then that should tell you e...
  2. It sounds like they are desperate if they want to keep talking salary. That's a red flag IMO. Im a little biased because my background is in cardiology and I think you made the right choice. Id rather take a job Im more familiar with for less money t...
  3. Does Nursing Cause Weight Gain?

    Oh yeah. Night shift can cause people to snack out of boredom. Stress levels are high (which ultimately leads to weight gain). I left bedside for a M-F gig and I can now exercise regularly and eat properly.
  4. Is Anonymity Important to You?

    Absolutely it's important. If current and former employers knew who was posting what about their facilities you know they would come after them legally or punish them at work.
  5. Ageism in Nursing?

    I didn't see this at my hospital (where compared to other area hospitals mine has a lot of floor nurses with a lot of experience....which is a great thing). I do know a couple of the area hospitals, one in particular that is notorious for doing this,...
  6. Fear of Floating | Life of a Nurse

    All I see is an article saying what hospitals should do and we all know they do the opposite. I will say though that when I did float I had no problem opening my mouth if I felt I was getting the raw end of the deal.
  7. Vaccination Mandating

    Now you're moving the goalposts. COVID is an infectious disease (as are the ones I mentioned above). Your whole argument is the loss of freedom to choose. So if you are pro-choice for covid vaccination one can assume you are pro-choice for the other ...
  8. Vaccination Mandating

    Interesting. So you're comfortable with making the military vulnerable to disease as well as school children and bringing back diseases like smallpox and polio all in the name of freedom eh? Well, as a vet I didn't join to fight for your freedom...
  9. How many unvaccinated coworkers are you aware of?

    Not many tbh. Our hospital actually has a high vaccination rate. I tell ya what though. There is one nurse who didn't want the vaccine . Well her kids may have gotten it and so she has had to stay in quarantine with them per our quarantine rules so s...
  10. Vaccination Mandating

    So you are against the military mandating vaccines and public schools mandating vaccines?
  11. Anyone taken a pay cut for sanity?

    Yep! Left the floor for a M-F gig. I lost about $800/month but it was worth it. No regrets.
  12. The Art of Delegating | What Nurses Do

    Can't delegate when you don't have someone to delegate to or they end up not doing it correctly or at all. Better off getting it done myself.
  13. Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    Yes. We should make obesity illegal. While we're at it let's make drugs and doing drugs illegal so that frees up ER roo-wait, drugs are already illegal? Huh. Then why are ERs clogged with drug users? I know let's make injuring/killing people ill-wait...
  14. Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    Even MI pts aren't being treated due to the unvaccinated occupying all the ICU beds ? https://www.Google.com/amp/s/amp.montgomeryadvertiser.com/amp/8272754002
  15. Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    Except that only applies to a medication for that particular pt. Refusing your blood pressure meds affects only you. It doesn't cause me to get high blood pressure. There was a supreme court case (I believe it was around the turn of the 20th cen...
  16. No the crisis is and always has been the result of administration. All covid did was finally expose them. Too long they treated nurses like an expense and a burden and now that nurses have had enough they have the gall to act surprised when nurses le...
  17. The VA needs to update alot of their hospitals. They need to fill the thousands of vacant physician openings as well as nurse openings. They also need to become more efficient. All of these factors contribute to caring for vets. If you don't have the...
  18. Do you think you are a "hero"?

    No. Im a vet and I hate they call me a hero for that too. Im not.
  19. Which Religions Exempt Covid Vaccinations?

    So a fellow nurse works PRN at a private school as a school nurse. Every year she has to make sure the kids are up to date on vaccines. There are two religions that she has seen that has an exemption: Christian Science and one other (I cant remember)...
  20. IMO, if you are a licensed medical professional spreading misinformation on Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, facebook, etc then you should have your license suspended and/or removed. There has to be some sort of consequence for spreading misinformation.
  21. This really opens a can of worms. Can courts force doctors to do procedures because the family wants it? Can the courts force doctors to prescribe medicine even if the doctor advises against it (besides IVM)? I'm ashamed that this happened in my stat...
  22. How long should I stay on a unit I don’t like?

    Wait a full year then jump ship.
  23. RN Doing Non-RN Duties

    I would be careful. Like most of the time if something does happen they will look to blame the nurse regardless if it is their fault. This is the BS hospitals keep getting away with. Instead of hiring people or paying people to stay they then say "Oh...
  24. Being lax with PPE because of full vaccination status

    Im all for PPE but why send them home to change? Covid is airborne. TB is airborne and you aren't required to wear a gown. It's been established that the primary mode of transmission of covid is airborne not contact. Better yet why doesn't the hospit...
  25. Covid and Non-Covid on Same Floor?

    On the covid floor at my hospital the nurses take care of covid and non-covid pts. Eventually it will be like that.