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All Content by asraf

  1. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Hi Husky, This is the process no one can tell anything for sure about.You still have a lot of time. Orientation is still 2 1/2 months away and in the past people have been called even a couple of days before orientation. Your chances are still very g...
  2. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Hi Husky2011 Thanks very much. yes, i am relieved. Now, I can concentrate and prepare for school. I wish you tons of luck and hope and prey for your success. People get calls from UMSON even a few days before orientation. I am sure you have great cha...
  3. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ql279 i just did.
  4. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! i got in. got a call this morning from admissions that they pulled me out of the wait list. Just checked my status. It has also been updated " admit- institution". It happened to me when i completely lost hope and was consider...
  5. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Thanks for all the information.
  6. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    hi Grey Lady, Do you have any information for the wait listed applicants??? Thanks
  7. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Hi Husky2011 i am not sure which lady to believe, yours or mine. But, I guess that time for admission deposit should have passed and there may be slots available by now. I am just guessing all of this. This is what i do all day now a days because i ...
  8. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    just called the office of admissions and was told that wait listed applicants will start hearing any time from NOW to the orientation provided the space becomes available.
  9. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

  10. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ql279, Thanks for consolation. i really appreciate that. I wish this waiting is over soon and we get in.
  11. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ql279, this process is "nerve wrecking" in the true sense of the word.i check mail email and online status million times a day and every time my telephone rings, my heart stats pounding. Everyday i make a resolution not to check my status but can not...
  12. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    hi Grey Lady Do you have any information if any of the wait listed applicants have started hearing from UMSON? Thanks
  13. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    g sorry ginune00, I did not read your post carefully. I understand you got accepted.
  14. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Hi Nmirjafary, did you hear from UMSON ???? I am crossing my fingers for you.
  15. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ginune00, congratulations on your acceptance and wish you the best for your nursing career. Were you and your wife both accepted at umson????I m a bit confused here because in your previous post you mentioned that your wife is declining the admissio...
  16. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    no news is a good news!!!I wish you Good luck!! i can completely understand what you are going through. My status has been wait listed since April 11 and since then i m even more nervous. This is the only thing in my mind all the time and mentally i ...
  17. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    any waitlisted applicant heard from umson?
  18. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ql279, as of now I do not have plan B.UMSON in my top and only choice. If I do not get in, I will make other plans. I put all my eggs in one basket which is also one of the reasons of my extreme nervousness. What about you? Have you applied anywhere ...
  19. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    hi ginune, congratulations on your wife's acceptance. was she traditional BSN applicant for UMSON???
  20. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    hi ql729, i called the admissions office today and they told me if there is a spot for me they will let me know and if i do not get in this time they will automatically consider my application with other applicants for spring 2014. When will a spot o...
  21. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    congratulations to the people accepted!!!!
  22. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    Nmirjafary, have 't you been told yet??? You can call UMSON and ask then or you can ask Grey lady.
  23. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    have 't you been told yet??
  24. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    i ve received my wait list letter today stating: e-mail them in case i want to keep my name in the wait also states that my application will be automatically considered for review for spring 2014 if i do no get in this time.
  25. UMSON BSN Fall 2013

    ql279, i am wait listed and i am waiting for wait list letter to see what kind of instructions it has for me or if they want anything additional information from me. Just curious!!!I put all my eggs in one basket and for now UMSON is my one and only...