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About nakiwala

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  1. cant find it either
  2. anybody wanna stick around tomorrow after school to study fundies?
  3. @hurryupandwork are you days or evenings? if days i would like to meet you and say hello. so hows it going so far? am just starting to settle in and understand stuff.
  4. Oh ya, picked up my uniforms a while ago too, they really look nice. Good luck to you too Annabans.
  5. i sat on the front middle row, very talkative with an accent , haha, guess you all know me now.
  6. sorry for the late response but this is the website that i use, i put in the ISBN and it compares prices from different vendors, hope it will be helpful.
  7. can you guys believe i got that fundamentals success text book for $5 online.
  8. was at the front, haha
  9. yeeey now done with the boot camp, so awaiting the big day. i thought i could recognize any of you guys at the boot camp but nooo, and nobody even talked about this site , so i also just kept low.
  10. thank you so much guys
  11. just got switched to the day program,,, cant even explain how happy I am right now...:)
  12. well I did ,basically we learning medical terms, prefixes, word roots and suffixes.
  13. so, did any you guys attend the medical terminology class yesterday?
  14. @maddiex13 ya, that's very true, these books listed as used are actually in good condition and cost almost half the price. I wont be buying any expensive books, need to save as much as I can.
  15. one other thing I actually buy the same book , same edition and everything but used. I calculated and you could save $400 when you buy the used ones, plus the optional books included.