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  1. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    Congrats @eoneill!!!!
  2. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    Hi @roostermagee, were u at the orientation on Wednesday for usf? UCLA is also my top choice. But there were a couple reasons why I decided to attend USF. 1.starts in may (4 months earlier than UCLA) which means I would graduate USF in May 2015, 4 mo...
  3. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    I might actually be giving my waitlist spot up too. I was just recently admitted into usf school of nursing
  4. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    As of today, 25 people have been offered admissions from waitlist
  5. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    Thank you @laugh2013. I am still surprised because I had a rejection letter and then a acceptance phone call. I submitted my intent to enroll yesterday :)
  6. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    I just got my call from usf!!!! I got accepted!!!!!
  7. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    I think I emailed her too many times, but I know she does email back quite quickly. I can email her again at the end of the month. @mmccann44, are u still on waitlist too?
  8. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    For those of u who are accepted, when is the orientation? Thanks you :)
  9. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    Thanks @sandstone
  10. UCLA MECN FALL 2013

    I really hope the waitlist continues getting accepted. Please let me know if anyone else from waitlist gets accepted. This is my top choice and seems to be my last hope to get into nursing school this year.
  11. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    Wow after calling usf today, they finally emailed me and told me I was not admitted. Thanks everyone for the support!
  12. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    Is anyone in the same situation as me? I still have not received any notification of my status. I called twice yesterday and left a voicemail. I also called today and left a voicemail.
  13. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    I still have not gotten email or phone call. I was thinking maybe I should call then around 4pm to see what's up with my decision status...
  14. Cal State Univ, Northridge Accelerated BSN (A-BSN) 2013

    Nope I have not heard anything
  15. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

    It's okay @Megan5656, you can always reapply. No worries. Like everyone says, 'if you want to be a nurse, you will be a nurse'. Don't lose hope :)