Deidre Shiobhan

Deidre Shiobhan

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All Content by Deidre Shiobhan

  1. Facebook almost cost me my job

    Keep Facebook only for personal social networking usage and never ever include our job info, worst of all patients' info!! I believe that nothing is ever 100% secure and there are plenty of hackers around the world. Well one may think that hospitals'...
  2. Do you use oxyhoods?

    Yes my unit still do infact the humidifier that we are currently using is not going to be manufacture anymore. We are soucing for vendor to see how we can settle this issue.
  3. Any 22 weekers out there?

    Yes tralalaRN there's always another side, it's not perfect all the time. I feel that we must paint a realistic picture and not just give parents false hope. We cannot play GOD all the time!!:bowingpur
  4. Any 22 weekers out there?

    we don't resus any babies below gestation age of 23 weeks because these babies are usually non viable at birth. parents will be spoken too and pregnancy will be prolonged for as long as possible. personally i feel that having worked as an nicu nurse ...
  5. Stimulation for older babies?

    Do you have music therapist? I've tried getting the MT to sing to my longstayer baby and he loves it. Her voice is great! Besides entertaining the baby, we nurses in the clinical area find it very therapeutic, help us to destressing and pleasant too.
  6. nursing its what you make it

    The words that you've mentioned are very encouraging. It just reminded me why I wanted to be a nurse, nursing has always been my ambition since young. Nurses in the past wore only white uniform and caps though the design and colour have changed a gre...
  7. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    I strongly agree that many other factors contribute to nursing shortage but not just based on how we treat one another. I've left nursing before but decided to come back cos I've never forgotten the reason why I wanted to be a nurse in the beginning ...
  8. Youngest preemies

    Theorethically infants born below 23 weeks gestation are not viable at all unless the dates are wrong, we don't resus infants born below 23wks in my unit. Between 23 and 24wks is a grey area we'll counsel parents and provide resuscitation unless pare...
  9. Most RN's first borns?

    Yap 1st born but definitely not from a dysfunction family, interesting theory though.
  10. Nurses with tattoos

    You may have problem getting into nursing school however even if you are able to disguise it during the interview. There may be problems with future employment the place that I work in will not accomodate visible tattoos. I've got nursing colleagues ...
  11. Looking down on those who take lunch breaks???

    Well all of us deserve a break! Just make sure our work is settled and your colleague is around to monitor your patients while you are away. The only issue is when we are really tight and busy, we take shorter breaks. We give and take:doh:
  12. working thru lunch

    No matter how busy we are, we still deserve a break to recharge ourselves. Just hand over your work to her for the time while you are away.
  13. Nurses struggling with mental illness

    Delayed sleep syndrome - something that I've just discovered but it's a rather common problem. One feel tired but cant sleep , 2 of my colleagues are depressive 1 on regular meds but the other on and off. Tried talking to one of them for a long time ...
  14. My little sweetie passed away.

    Penny you are great! That's wat nursing is all about the humanistic aspect, we just cant help getting attached to some of our patients. Just like the babies that I've nursed in my unit ( nicu ) I cant forget some of those even if they've gone for suc...
  15. Bling on the job?

    I only wear my wedding band to work cos rings with stones or fanciful design are not allowed in my department ( I work in nicu ). However they always encourage us not to wear any jewelry if possible. I only wear my other diamond ring when I'm going o...
  16. wearing gloves when feeding neonates

    It's not our usual practice to wear gloves when we are feeding babies unless it's an infectious case and strict contact precaution must be carried out. I find it difficult to work around with gloves and I do agree that human touch is important especi...
  17. Nitric oxide reducing lung and brain injury in preemies

    Hi sounds very interesting, my unit only uses NO on term babies (MAS or PPHN cases ) it works very well and most of these babies are saved as a result. I'll like to find out more about the study going on in your unit and its findings, do keep me info...
  18. Brady baby

    Guess the kid's hypoglycaemic because of insufficient feeds and that can contributes to lethargy. You didn't mention any blood gas results so therefore may not be conclusive that it's a respiratory condition, must find out how's the x'ray. It's not s...
  19. use of web cams in nicu

    Personally I wouldn't agree having a webcam in the NICU. Too much of issues to address - personal or even legal. Parents are not easy to handle these days because they are better educated, well informed, better exposure etc. I know of 1 private hosp...
  20. NICU Rooming In before discharge

    My unit do not room in all infants that are fit for home. Only those that requires o2 therapy, monitors at home, suctioning, trach care will require rooming in 1st before sending them home. The room will be located at the same level of the SCN and a ...
  21. Are nurses treated badly?

    I don't think so in general but I've got one nasty doc in my area whom most nurses and even the babies' parents find her offensive. We do get nasty feedback from the parents and I even that heard she had scolded some nurses " brainless ". Personally ...
  22. Sick Time for Nurses in NICU

    Whatever it is - call in for sick leave when you are not well. Don't be a hero it's not worth. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be blamed and accused for life when a baby that you are nursing caught your bug and become very sick. Once we had a father wh...
  23. Quiet time in nicu

    We do have quiet time in my unit too and it's normally around 12noon to 2pm, it also coinsides with visiting hours but we do seek understanding from parents and other medical team members that no practicals are allowed unless it's emergency. We will ...
  24. Patients always needing something no matter what.

    Let me share with you my experience- I'm working in the NICU, here I'm refering to the babies' parents. Very often these parents are very afraid of handling the babies cos they are very small and fragile, Yes I do feel for them but there are the ones...
  25. wearing perfume to work

    As long as the perfume is not too strong and overwhelming it's acceptable in my unit. However we are against the idea of having long nails, nail polish and any other jewellry besides the wedding ring.