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About sherabear

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  1. [quote=Nurse_;7212422 So why is she taking the Ativan? Is it for anxiety? Do you think she's anxious? If not, you have to explain to her. That's your job. If she needs a stronger dose, you have to rely that to the physician. The doctor does not know ...
  2. I don't think the resident every found out. The night nurse must have said something, because I reported off and let her know about the PRN pain meds she had received, but told her no ativan this shift...I have only ever given her ativan once, at her...
  3. I am a new grad LPN. I started my very first nursing job last week, and have been orentating since last Wednesday. On the wing that I will be working on, I have 1 resident in particular that asks for PRN Ativan at least four times per day, and other ...