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  1. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    The story of "Rocking Mary." We closed room 12 in our MICU because just about every patient that has been there since Mary died complaints of seeing a woman in wearing a white habit rocking back and forth by their bedside. Apparently this nun never m...
  2. nurse practioners and surgery

    In response to your question about NP in OR, well...there is RNFA (Registered Nurse First Assist). The RNFA helps the surgeon in surgery. Lately, the RNFA's that I have met are going back to school to get their NP because many surgeons are preferring...
  3. Who's going to Anesthesia school?

    Applied at University of Akron, Ohio...interviewed, accepted and starts this June. Did not apply anywhwere else. Cost of living and the 100% passing rate on the CRNA boards were the key factors. Also, they have a post-graduate certificate...thus, I d...