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  1. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

  2. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Thanks! Almost a week away so hopefully my waiting game is almost over
  3. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Hey guys so I got alternate but can you let me know the orientation dates? I am still taking off work just in case!
  4. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Same here.
  5. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Has anyone seen a change on their major on Hawknet? I have been watching it but it still says ADN transition applicant
  6. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    I am assuming that we would have those days. I saw there there are 40 spots open too. What year did they sent the email?
  7. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Nothing here I would assume it would only let us register when they change our major to ADN transition. I don't think the class will fill up. They have a class for only transition students so it should stay empty.
  8. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Mine says received too. I hate the mailbox everyday.
  9. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    I saw that in 2011 it was mid march they heard about acceptance.
  10. Hillsborough Community College Summer 2013

    Hi everybody, Has anyone heard about when we will get our letters? I am ready to find out!