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About ManyRN2B

Married with 2 children, 13 & 9.

Latest Activity

  1. 17-lb Russian baby

    Wholy smokes! That's like having a toddler. It was a 12th baby
  2. Bay Area Dreaming!

    I don't know about OR's in the bay area but I do know John Muir has several OR positions. You should call and talk to a recruiter and they should be able to give you a good idea of what your...
  3. I'm sorry! What a bummer. Keep
  4. license inquiry

    There is a forum for foreign nurses. I would recommend posting your question in that forum because they know exactly what to do. There is also a really good moderator here Suzanne that seems...
  5. Am I crazy to leave Postpartum for Cardiac?

    I'm getting ready to leave Cardiac Tele Stepdown unit to go to L&D. I did love Cardidac nursing but I'm ready for a change. I want the get em get em out kind of pt's. I was very interested in...
  6. North and South California

    I just moved here from Maryland. My husbands job relocated us out here. He works in Santa Clara and we live in the East Bay Area. We live in Livermore, CA. It's beautiful here. We love it!! The...
  7. Moving to San Francisco

    I just moved here in Maryland. My husbands job relocated us out here. I have 2 yrs experience and I had trouble finding a job. I think the reason I had so much trouble was because of the time of...
  8. Question for Cali RN'S

    Since I just moved here, I recommend finding a job before you come. I'm in the Bay Area and come from Maryland I don't think there is a nursing shortage here like on the East Coast. I started...
  9. new grad RN moving to Bay Area

    I agree! It is hard to find jobs for new grads here in the Bay Area. I just moved here from Maryland and I have 2 yrs experience and it was difficult for me to find a job. I wanted to switch...
  10. Wow! First few interviews!

    I had a job interview just like that. They asked 3 scenerios about differen patients and they wanted to know down to what labs to order etc. I had that interview before I graduated. It was nerve...
  11. Hello!!! I see there is not much of a nursing shortage in the Bay Area. A few months ago, when I did a job search, a good amount of jobs showed up but yesterday I looked and it looks very...
  12. How hard to find a RN position in Bay area?

    We are relocating to the Bay Area also and I notice there aren't many jobs out there. I'm getting discouraged because I'm moving out there because of my husbands jobs but I feel like I will have to...
  13. What do you love about ER nursing?

    Is that why the ER is calling me? LOL ADD Stepchild here!!!! I also love the teamwork! I was an EMT years ago. I'm a nurse on a post open heart stepdown unit and we have our share of codes....
  14. ER nurses...what shoes??

    I switch around. I wear my Dansko's more than the other ones. I do have Crocs, they are okay but my feet don't really care for them after 8hrs. I do trip too. I thought it was just me. I have to...
  15. Overtime?

    Are you serious? Is that why I see so many 8 hrs shifts positions? Why would CA make such a law? The hospitals are going to go broke. Well that is if everyone works 12's. Here, we don't get paid...