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All Content by dyumul07

  1. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! What time earlier? ahh i'm so sorry i'm so sosososo scared . she said she was only calling early admits, but im sure if i was part of the accepted group she would've emailed me telling me i got in. i don't know if i'm over thinkin...
  2. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    congratulations! I am so worried i feel like i am not going to get in. I have my fingers crossed, but i emailed the counselor and she said they are only doing early admits today, but if i was on their acceptance list im sure she would've already tol...
  3. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Congratulations! What time did you receive a call?
  4. Samuel Merritt University ABSN / ELMSN Spring 2014

    oh wow. sorry i didn't see what program you said you decided to go with! im all over the place right now
  5. Samuel Merritt University ABSN / ELMSN Spring 2014

    Thank you! i really appreciate any good vibes i can get! Which program did you decide to go with? Congrats Congrats!!
  6. Samuel Merritt University ABSN / ELMSN Spring 2014

    Hi sorry i keep bugging you! but they are already making calls for absn applicants? ughhh i haven't heard yet. this is killing me!!
  7. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    So they are already calling absn applicants as well? i haven't heard anything. I was told October 1st
  8. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Has anyone that applied to ABSN SAC Spring 2014 heard anything yet? Do the ELMS students hear first?
  9. Samuel Merritt University ABSN / ELMSN Spring 2014

    HI laraymundo, I was wondering do those going for their entry level masters hear before absn students? or do you have any idea? Congrats on being accepted!!
  10. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    I emailed the counselor and she said October 1st. Almost there! I hope I get in. I feel as if my 76.7% teas score might hold me back
  11. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    I hope no. Lol. I thought decisions for sac wouldn't be out till october
  12. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Hi Ms. Marie, do you mind sharing stats or experiences as well as you ketokat? Way better than beig denied! I heard most waist listers get in!
  13. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Oh I confused your stats with another persons. I definitely loaded up on volunteer work as well and felt like i couldve done more extracurriculars, but i guess there isnt anything i can do now. I did not so well on the teas so im worried about that a...
  14. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    My stats aren't as impressive as yours :/ but I have alot volunteer work so hopefully it makes up for it
  15. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    GOOD LUCK!! I wish the Sacramento cohort found out tomorrow! Let us know!
  16. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    I got my e-mail saying my application was being forwarded to faculty for review and that the general timeline for letting applicants know if they are admitted is early October. Hopefully sooner!!
  17. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    I have been emailing LO, but she only responded to tell me she did review my file lol. she must be really busy. CA? I thought LO was the only one. Its okay. we will find out soon * fingers crossed* do you think there are alot of people applying to Sa...
  18. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    I check probably 29202938 times a day. Sac doesn't hear back till October, but i am hoping it will be sooner.
  19. Samuel Merritt University ABSN / ELMSN Spring 2014

    Hi Yedwards42, Im trying to PM you, but your inbox is full!
  20. Samuel Merritt ABSN Summer 2014

    Thank you for replying. I actually applied for spring 2014, but have yet to get to the second email for faculty review. I hope to be accepted soon. Thank you for the advice!
  21. Samuel Merritt ABSN Summer 2014

    i thought it said it was optional on the application.
  22. Samuel Merritt ABSN Summer 2014

    If I didn't include a resume does that hurt my chances? I worked and volunteered and mentioned it in my essays, but i didn't include a resume and now im worried that will hurt my chances.
  23. Samuel Merritt ABSN Summer 2014

    Hi Rachel! Thank you for replying I was told we didn't have to. I applied to Sacramento and I haven't heard if my app is being forwarded to the faculty. I'm so worried. Which one are u applying to?
  24. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Did u apply for the masters program? I still haven't gotten a second email
  25. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2014

    Thank you! is there anyway I can ask you some questions on a private message or something?