

Mental Health

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About lasair

lasair has 4 years experience and specializes in Mental Health.

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  1. Doctors Say the Darnedest Things

    Was on night duty, did evening vital check on elderly patient - spo2 was low, dropping on O2 and needed transfer. Next morning her consultant asked "why were you checking her vitals anyway, why is she...
  2. Just wanted to say I hate nursing soooo much

    I do feel the same in some way - I am working on my way out of this job. In saying that I would never say it ruined my life, I have been thought some much from this work. Try focus on what good...
  3. Why did you decide to become a nurse?

    I thought I was going to save the
  4. I try to have a lot of food at work, I eat two breakfasts, big lunch and afternoon tea. last meal is usually between 5 and 6pm, usually get home at 2130hrs - I may have a cup of tea but I usually...
  5. Leaving Nursing for Another Career

    After only two full years of nursing I know I cannot do this for the rest of my life - I want to become a complementary therapist, I studied holistic massage and will do my aromatherapy this year....
  6. I am an introverted psych. nurse, I am very sensitive to other peoples energy. I take my breaks on my own and sometimes I meditate, but usually read. Other nurses gather in groups and are all chit...
  7. How long did you stay at your first job?

    1.5 years - I wanted to do 2 years but it was an awful place to
  8. Do you overspend on luxury items as a nurse?

    Almost a nurse 2 years now, I make more money than I ever did - I bought a fancy car and joined a private gym so I'm paying that off and I save - I only pay for myself at the moment but I am scared to...
  9. Meaning of your username?

    Lasair is the Irish word for Flame and guess what...I am Irish...but not a
  10. Group therapy ideas

    Do a survey and ask what the patients
  11. How do nurses view psychologists?

    Yeah, in long term care there is no one else apart from nursing that can put the likes of behavioural plans or recordings in place...we are the ones here 24/7. It is very different in my new work...
  12. How do nurses view psychologists?

    I didn't have a good experience in my last job but that was the only psychologist I have ever worked with. When reports are being written up and actions been put in place psychology need to understand...
  13. Manipulative, attention-seeking, impulsive, demanding pts

    Never believe that a male patient will not hit you because you are
  14. Psych Nurse Report Sheet

    I must sat that is pretty cool - I work in long stay applying for acute so it may come in handy -
  15. How many hours is your shift?
