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About mmullen

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  1. Please help with a care plan problem!

    #1 Pain r/t muscle spasm - Is it muscle spasm or is the mass compressing a nerve? (May not be that important) #2 Neuro as in CNS which consists of the brain and spinal cord. If there is a mass in the pt's spine this could have all kinds of implicatio...
  2. Taking Bio and Chem over the summer?

    It really depends on how determined you are and well you are able to store and retrieve information. If you are the type of person who has to study a lot to get the information into your head and understand it, I would recommend not taking so many co...
  3. Male nursing student with power?

    I'm in my last semester of nursing school and I currently work as a CNA in a large, busy hospital; and I too am a "murse." I understand what you're saying about getting called upon in Q&A in nursing school more than the females, but I don't think...