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About SDgirl2013

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  1. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    I've had the vaccinations. I think you need two. I never had the chicken pox.
  2. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    No idea. We probably get all that at the orientation.
  3. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Do you have an email?
  4. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Thanks Jfay011!! Sorry Lvn2bsnhopeful Do you have an alternate plan?
  5. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Yes and amsjadiaz's. Let me know if it didn't go through.
  6. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Message me your emails and when I get home I'll send you an invite. I can't do it from my phone.
  7. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    FB page is LVN to BSN Cohort 6! Let me know if you have a problem trying to join.
  8. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Yipeeeee!!! I'm in!!! Yeah!!!! I'll start a FB page and let you know when it's up!!! Congrats all!!!!
  9. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

  10. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    My advisor said that they just need to grade a few more essays. Hopefully soon!
  11. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Oh my gosh! How many people are applying??? I'm really getting worried. I know people are talking the TEAS still for the next regular BSN cohort, I wondering if she is thinking of that one?
  12. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Great! I'm getting a migraine checking my email every 5 minutes. You also can reply to the person who sent you the TEAS date from the school.
  13. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Well I'm not getting any younger so I need to make it in! Ha!
  14. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Omg!!! I'm freaking out!!!! Yes I will!!!
  15. SDgirl2013

    LVN to BSN National University January 2014

    Btw Happy Thanksgiving to all and GOOD LUCK!!!!!