
bugya90 ASN, BSN, LVN, RN

Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine

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All Content by bugya90

  1. They probably aren't going to tell you why as it could open them up to legal issues (you could try to sue them if you feel you were inappropriately passed over) Unfortunately even if the manager tells you you have the job, HR gets the final say and ...
  2. Lawsuit.. Discovery phase.

    I was called to give testimony when one of the physicians I work with was named in a malpractice suit. The Dr did nothing wrong and the hospital lawyers told me exactly what to expect and offered advice throughout the whole process. Contact your hosp...
  3. ED visits before ACA was passed

    I did a quick google search and found multiple articles comparing and contrasting the difference.
  4. Advise about cancelling interview

    At my hospital our schedules are set 6-8 weeks in advance. Waiting until the week before is not an option. Even the PRN schedules are done 2-3 weeks in advance to fill in any holes. We have a float pool that fills in any gaps from call ins. If there ...
  5. We use PCTs and I love them! We have a 28 bed unit and on days we have 3 PCTs (assuming all bed are full and don't have to float anyone). One PCTs is the unit clerk and takes 4 patients in the rooms closest to the Nurse's station and the other 2 PCTs...
  6. Central line dislodging?

    Typically IJ is sutured in so it would require a pretty good pull to dislodge it but it can happen.
  7. Giving last name in report

    We use Epic and part of the flowsheet is who you gave to report to/who you received report from and what time. I only chart first name and title "Sally, RN" and the approximate time. There are nurses who just chart "oncoming shift" but I don't think ...
  8. Physician assisted suicide

    Contact your local clinic or hospital to ask if any of the physicians would be willing to sit down for an interview. If you have a PCP call their office to ask also. Offer to meet them at a Starbucks and buy them some coffee. Can also ask some nurses...
  9. Hope someone can help.

    We cannot offer medical advice per TOS. She needs to schedule an appointment with her PCP.
  10. As long as I get my free pen and cookie they can call it whatever they want.
  11. Charge Nurse Rounding

    Our unit splits it between day and night charge. 28 beds, day does 18-20 and night does the rest. They actually have a flow sheet type thing built in the chart where they just have to check boxes and it will put most of the note together for them, th...
  12. Charge Nurse Rounding

    Daily round on patient. Patient able to identify side effects of X medications. Patient received bath today/yesterday. Patient has further questions regarding X diagnosis, will alert primary physician to discuss further on rounds. No need to document...
  13. How many patients do student nurses have?

    Most students at our hospital and local nursing programs take 1-3 for the first few semesters. Your final semester you may take 4-5 with a primary nurse, meaning you have the exact assignment as her and do all of the nursing with her watching you and...
  14. Hiring an RN into private practice

    May want to research the nurse practice act for your state. It may be more beneficial for you to hire a LPN if this falls within their scope in your state. Scope of practice varies greatly in different state so have your lawyer really look into it. I...
  15. New qualified nurse. Legs and KILLING me

    I wear knee high compression socks and shoes with memory foam insoles. It took some trail and error to find a shoe brand that I like but I've settled on Fila with memory foam. They are about $40 per pair and last around 6 months. I have at least 3 pa...
  16. Different policies on different units within same hospital?

    In the hospital I work at there are different protocols for each specialty. ICU/ER follows critical care protocols and perform certain tasks that med-surg nurses don't. The cardiac med-surg unit have their own protocols for post-procedure care and in...
  17. What made/makes you want to be a nurse?

    I always wanted to be a Physical Therapist growing up (had a family member with spinal injury). Got to college and decided I didn't want to spend 6-8 years in school so switched to nursing because I thought it was just a two year program. Joke was on...
  18. Sepsis protocols causing a future superbug??

    Our protocol fires itself based on data in the EHR. If 2 or more parameters are met we get a pop up on the chart and have to acknowledge or decline it and give a reason. Typically it is 2 or more vital signs have had a change since the last recording...
  19. Can nurses live comfortably?

    I lived comfortably on my LVN pay and now that I am a RN the increase in pay will pay off all of mine and my husbands student loans by the end of next year. I make enough to pay bills, put food in the fridge, put away for retirement, and go shopping ...
  20. Ethics paper ideas PLEASE!

    Legalizing marijuana for medical treatments in all states. Should there be any restrictions (pediatric cancer patient whose parents refuse but physician believes it would be beneficial) Should addicts be forced into rehab in order to receive certain ...
  21. Conflicting Dosage Calculation Information

    Depends on the drug too. Some drugs you can give 0.3 of something and some you can't. You can't have a fraction of a drop if it is an IV calculation and you can't give a fraction of a unit of insulin, but you can give a fraction of a pill (you can cu...
  22. Pregnant in nursing school.

    It's been done before but it will take a lot of dedication on your part. You are only allowed to miss a certain number of clinical and lecture hours per semester. These hours are set by the Board of Nursing in your state and non-negotiable as the pro...
  23. Q's;--Patient Attacks on Nurses

    In many states attacking a nurse is a felony (assault on a healthcare worker). So yes if it were a true attack then the patient could be charged, however just like for the general public if the attacker has a mental health condition that chances of c...
  24. Noncompliance

    I work acute renal and have known patients who were fired from outpatient dialysis clinics. Mostly due to drug use. It takes a lot of documentation for these patients to be fired and the legal team gets involved with it. Acute care we have to treat t...
  25. Lunch and Break Help

    Med-surg unit. 5/6 patients to 1 nurse. Charge doesn't take patients. We use the buddy system for 30 minute lunches. We never officially take the 15 minute breaks but can go into the break room or down to the cafeteria anytime we need to (assuming yo...