
bugya90 ASN, BSN, LVN, RN

Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine

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All Content by bugya90

  1. Pre-Employment Physical Attire

    Not jeans! I wore comfy slacks and a blouse with an undershirt and flats. I wouldn't recommend anything that is tight fitting or a short skirt. I had to do a couple of jumping jacks, bend over to touch my toes, and give a urine sample for drug testin...
  2. Hospitals that offer WIP

    My hospital doesn't offer any extra incentive for weekends only other than the weekend differential that we all get. However there are a few people who only work weekends due to preference and our manager lets them sign up for their shifts first. So ...
  3. How long does a pair of running shoes last?

    About 6-8 months for me. I have two pairs that I alternate days with. I spaced out the purchases so I'm buying 1 pair every 3-4 months instead of 2 pairs at the same time. I wear Fila brand with memory foam. They cost between $20-$50 and anytime the ...
  4. I plan to retire between 60-65 depending on my health. Our house will be paid off in our late forties, student loans will be paid off this year, I have contributed to my 403B and 401K since I was 21. We own a small business on the side in addition to...
  5. What do you do on weekends off?

    Today I went fishing, grocery shopping, did laundry, and took a nice nap.
  6. Linens in hospital rooms

    We don't keep extra linens in the rooms. Like above poster said, when they discharge anything in the room is contaminated and it is a waste of resources.
  7. RN License post

    It took mine a week to post. Just decide ends how quick the person who is updating your info at the BON office is. Luck of the draw.
  8. Dropping the "Nurse Card"?

    I got out of a ticket with a local city cop who was a former patient of mine. On the other hand I got a nice speeding ticket from a trooper one day on my way home from work (had scrubs and badge still on).
  9. New Grad Resume!!! need HELP!!!!!!

    If you have been at your current job long term then list it. It will show longevity. I had been a waitress at the same restaraunt for 5 years and put it on my new grad resume, my first boss commented that she was impressed that I had been at the same...
  10. Combat Sports and bruises affecting career

    Once your coworkers find out they'll stop asking when you show up with bruises. Patients are a different story and they will ask (especially the nosey little old ladies). Just tell them you do whatever as a hobby and change the conversation
  11. Temple/Waco/Killeen area

    Waco is nice but home prices and taxes are going up thanks to the Fixer Upper and tourism. There are some parts of Waco you don't want to live in due to crime but a quick review search when you start apartment hunting will steer you away from those a...
  12. LPN to RN graduate resume question

    I listed my LVN years under Experience just like any other job. I did not list any clinical hours or preceptorship hours since I had real world nursing experience as a LVN.
  13. CNA TO RN

    Look into the accelerated BSN programs. There are programs designed for those with a BS in other fields to transition to a BSN and obtain RN licensure.
  14. Supra pubic and indwelling catheter

    Partly depends on how your charting system is set up. I had a patient with a chronic Supra pubic and an acute foley a few weeks ago. Both caths were documented on separately in the charting system so we could document site care/assessment on both. Si...
  15. Accepting a position as an RN after being the CNA

    We have a few nursing students working as aids on our unit. If they are good our manager offers them a RN job when they are in their last semester of school so they have a job lined up after graduation. We have several nurses throughout the hospital ...
  16. Right med but suspended

    Seems a bit harsh. Our system allows us to manually bypass scanning if needed (after 2-3 messages asking if you're sure you want to not scan of course). I actually had this happen last week. Computer in patients room was frozen and taking forever to ...
  17. How is drug testing done at your facility?

    I would highly recommend you not use marajuana in any form while working as a nurse. You are literally risking your nursing license and career by using. To answer your question, for the initial drug test at my facility you use a bathroom in employee...
  18. Buying scrubs for the first time

    Color is set by the hospital. Don't buy any scrubs until you know what color your hospital requires. I'd recommend you go to a scrub store and try on the different brands and styles to find what you like. There are many different styles for all body ...
  19. Day vs Night Personalities

    It's the opposite one my unit. Day shift tends to be more go with the flow type (we have to be with the amount of random last minute things that happen). Night shifters tend to be more stressed out and on edge.
  20. On Call Vs. Commute

    1. I hate on call. You can almost guarantee that 5 th weekend you will be at work. Also the longer drive home in the evening can help you decompress before you get home to your loved ones.
  21. A Nurses Duty to act

    Imagine being in court and having to explain why you did NOT call 911. I personally have no desire to ever start a statement with "Your honor..." but that's just me.
  22. Employee Complaint

    At my job, yes that email would remain a part of your employee file along with any notes/write ups that your manager made. I've never heard of a phlebotomist being able to draw from a PICC either. I know neither of the local hospitals here allow it. ...
  23. Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    I don't want to participate in an abortion so I don't apply to work at places that perform abortions routinely (only Planned Parenthiod in my area, the hospitals here only perform them if deemed medically necessary). I ah e never participated in an a...
  24. No real time for bedside nursing...I have got to chart!

    I chart as I go for the most part. I chart my head to toe assessments whenever I get a chance to sit (typically right after my patients get their lunch trays, it's the calm before the storm). Everything else I chart in the room (VS, I&O, dressing...
  25. Prioritising complex workloads

    Just depends on the patients and the task. A daily dressing may be put off until last but if the dr comes in and rips off the old one at 0900 then the dressing change gets moved up the list. Some daily meds can be given late but if you have antibioti...