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About alm10

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  1. UMSON Spring 2013

    I got my call today! I'll be attending Shady grove!! Congrats to everyone who has been accepted and for those of you who are still waiting good luck!!!! :)
  2. UMSON Spring 2013

    My status is still committee ready as well, it just means they havent come to a decision yet, or at least havent gotten to you yet. I called the admissions office yesterday morning to see how much longer they predict the process to take and they said...
  3. UMSON Spring 2013

    Into Monday?! I agree, this is tough. Will the status change too if we are not accepted? Or do we need to wait for a letter?
  4. UMSON Spring 2013

    My application is still committee ready, I am checking it every few minutes. The wait is killing me!