Hi, I'd like to know the best way to insure that I don't get a drug or procedure. I know that I can stipulate it on the consent form, but that any restrictions I make can be nullified if I verbally...
"You will not be happy with any brochure printed by anyone unless it states that "Awareness is a common problem, usually caused by poor practitioners, and the only way to prevent it is to use a BIS...
Hi, I don't think that this forum encourages patients to go into our personal experiences, sorry. I think that my experience was not unusual. My feeling is the point of the brochure is not education...
Okay, so I'm all fired up and don't have my ducks in a row, so give me you best shot. I've posted before - I'm a patient who had anesthesia awarenss. I've just seen the AANA/ASA patient brochure on...
I don't think that the anesthesia community is unaware - I agree with you that the exact opposite is the case and you have been barraged with the topic. As far as other folks in the medical...
Hi, I'm sorry if this is not the place, but I think that my experience has a lot to be learned from. There seems to be a war going on around anesthesia awareness, and I feel I have been caught in the...
Wow, I've obviously hit a nerve here and offended a lot of people. I am so sorry. As far as intentionally misleading people about who I am, you are right, I did not let you know my position up...
Thanks for all of your support on the board. You know, this is the first time anyone would talk to me openly about it (and without a person from risk management in the
My anesthesia record shows that the anesthesia "start" was 10 minutes after I entered the department. I don't remember him asking me about previous anesthesia experiences, or current medications, and...
I am not an attorney or a shill for Aspect. I'm not sure that I want to get this discussion, but the first thing my anesthesiologist said regarding the incident was that a BIS monitor would not have...
Hi, I'm the patient, not an attorney. I'm trying to figure out why it happened to me. I didn't want to say that up front because I wanted honest opinions, which I though might be hard for people to...
No Versed or other pre-op meds. She was on sevoflurane, dilaudid, N2O, rocuronium, pretty typical amounts. Her HR at intake was 66, but probably high due to nerves. It doesn't look like the...
What do you think of a patient who had a resting HR of 43, initial BP of 114/58 (athlete, no cardio probs) who was kept at about 120/60 and a HR of 65-83 for about 2 hours, and had intraoperative...
Hi, I was wondering how long it takes folks, if you are thorough but moving right along, from receiving a patient to start of GA. Including interview, equipment check, paperwork, etc.