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About LRichardson

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  1. Securing ET tubes

    We tape our ETT and use a bite block... we tried the holders and had a horrible time doing complete mouth care.. oral secretions were almost impossible to get out.. as well as the slippage that...

    I'm in Oklahoma City... there is no written policy stating that IABP patients are 1:1... in most cases they are 1:1 but it's not because they are on the balloon pump as much as it is because they are...
  3. 10:03 PM

    Oh Vindin.. there's always room for LOVE!!! I loved that post.. and whereever Tina is.. I hope he finds her.. GOOD LUCK
  4. Shift report form

    Mary, wow.. that's a lot of information to give in a report.. seems like a lot of it the newer nurses should know to look up themselves.. like meds.. rather than have someone telling them.. just a...
  5. central lines

    When referring to internal jugular vs subclavian .. you're referring to place of origin, correct?? I think the problem is when the origin is the subclavian and the catheter winds up into the internal...
  6. central lines

    is no documentation to prove it's harmful. >> Your doctor is out of line on several fronts.. first.. he's going against hospital policy which states you must have xray results (and DUH I bet...
  7. > Our protocol is to use 25 to 50mg Meperidine IVP prior to sheath removal. The rationale is to promote relaxation for the patient and prevent vagaling down. I'm curious about something else.....