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All Content by puppskmm

  1. Last yeear ISU was caught lying to the Calif BRN and was running an illegal LVN to BSN program in Callifornia from 2007 to 2012. When the information became known, ISU lied to the board and branded...
  2. Online transition programs for LVNs for Texas

    ISU has become accepted in Texas. Having said that, ISU was recently caught lying to the California Board of Registered Nursing and the Board found that ISU was operating an illegal nursing school in...
  3. Hannabee, I can understand your concern about people who monitor this site. While the CA BRN may or may not read the posts, I can absolutely state that ISU not only reads our posts but has an shill,...
  4. A new LVN to BSN program offered by ISU in Calif by Feb 2013--no way! It has not been publically discussed in the Ed Committee agenda, it has not been approved by the ed committee, and it has not been...
  5. You mentioned: My source couldn't be better and she has no reason to lie to me about this. "backed up with facts" makes me laugh...and skeptical is spelled with a k...ok ok...whatever, don't believe...
  6. I am in a clinical of a distant learning LPN to BSN nursing school. We are to attend a weekly clinical of 12 hours for a total of 8.5 weeks, as mandated by the BRN and also spelled out in the med...
  7. The partnership program in California between ISU and SSU started with a contract between ISU and SSU in 2007. Accordnng to the testinomy at the Sept 27th CA BRN, the assistant to the Calif State Univ...
  8. P = population - women in labor I = intervention - accupuncture C = Comparison - no accupuncture O = Outcome - what outcome do you think will happen? Is there enough information out there or scholarly...
  9. Jarvis has a small pocket guide that can be used separately or with the assessment book. It should help you with yorur adult
  10. College Network LVN to RN or LVN to BSN

    The ISU LVN to BSN partnersip with Sonoma State University in California was on life support after the contract (from Jan 2007 to Jan 17, 2012) ended. For some time (which is unknown at this time) it...
  11. If you are in California and took classes from TCN to get into the LVN to BSN program, go to the back of your contract. It should state that you will be refunded all fees paid to TCN if you are not...
  12. Testing Out pre-requisites

    If you want to CLEP out of a class and don't want to use TCN, do a search on the word CLEP. That should bring you to companies who provide info to CLEP out of classes at a fraction of the cost of TCN....
  13. The back of the TCN contract states if you are not accepted into the nursing program all youf funds will be refunded. Refer to the back of your TCN
  14. Video transcript of the September CA BRN meeting can be found on UTube [COLOR=#003366]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZADwJ0WCIk\\ the ISU agenda # is
  15. NEW LVN-RN in CA

    I agree with you, it does suck. The video transcrip of the meeting can be found on UTube transcript of the meeting located at [COLOR=#003366]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZADwJ0WCIk\\ As far as...
  16. The distant learning nursing school is a nationally advertised, NLN and approved by California Board of Registered Nursing to offer the LVN to BSN program to California
  17. I hesitate to name the nationally known distant learning LPN/LVN to BSN program because of
  18. Pre-Nursing Student - Career Change Mommy! Help!

    I agree with the previous post. You have your bachelors. What you will learn in the other 2nd degree bachelors program is what generic BSN students learn and then you will go onto your masters without...
  19. Update: I notified my distant learning master RN instructor at the university and the director of nursing. I received back a letter stating that the Clinial instructor was in charge of the clinical...
  20. To deal with what is going on with the end of the ISU LVN to BSN, it might be a good idea to start a facebook page or exhange emails with each
  21. The issue in California (lack of clinical placement, the ISU program being out of CA BRN compliace on 6 issues, and ISU lying to the CA BRN when it was investigating student complaints) has been...
  22. There are no clinical sites in California because the California LVN to BSN distant learning program, which is partnered with Sonoma State University and Indiana State University, has dissolved. There...
  23. ISU LVN to BSN program California

    I agree with you, however, many students are blaming the California State University Chancellor for pullling the plug. To make matters worse, ISU is advising students to "stay the course" or ISU is...
  24. MA or RI ISU LPN-BSN program

    Although the ISU program in MA or RI is not recognized by the state, is there a possibility of completing the ISU LPN-BSN program in MA or RI??? This is a distant learning program. You can do your...