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All Content by MaleRN2B

  1. Tropical Medicine & Nursing?

    At 40 I've finally decided that I'm going to quit my job in 6 months and pursue an accelerated BSN. I've scheduled a visit at the state school about 30 miles from home instead of the larger university here because the focus there is still on clinica...
  2. SARS and bird-flu.

    That's interesting information. Do you remember the swine flu in the 70s? It's another one that can jump species and infect humans. Marc
  3. Male nurses who cook

    I got to do a happy dance and tell some of my co-workers "I told ya so" this morning when it was announced that the ivory-billed woodpecker is not extinct and was confirmed to be living in Arkansas along the White River. My only error was that I sai...
  4. What's nursing school like?

    I thought about med school too and I think that if you can figure out what role you really want to play in the patient's care, you'll have your answer there. It appears your initial instinct is nursing. School is just the preparation for where you ...
  5. Male nurses who cook

    There really is a surplus of some animals because we have historically eliminated predators and upset the balance of things. We don't like coyotes, or wolves, or snakes or sharks and the list goes on. At one time farmers killed hawks, owls, and eag...
  6. Male nurses who cook

    Thanks for sharing. I'm currently an administrator with my state's fish and wildlife agency and we're looking at all the reasons people are giving up hunting and fishing. We have almost allowed a whole generation or two to become completely disconn...
  7. Male nurses who cook

    I'd rather have a thrombose vein.
  8. What's nursing school like?

    Thanks for the feedback, Pickles. I suppose that whether it's an Asian, man, woman, or Black person coming into the room, you have to place your confidence in their training and skills. A nurse is a nurse. It then becomes up to the nurse to reassu...
  9. What's nursing school like?

    Isn't home birth great??? I filmed my best friend's 4th child being born into the world with family and friends waiting to receive him at home. I had watched the videos of her other 3 children being born in hospital and she told me what she liked a...
  10. How do You deal with Man-Hating Female Nurses?

    I worked in an all female environment for 4 years and it's a fact that men and women are different. The dynamics are very different and as a male I was often stereotyped. With the exception of one who had had a baby, I was the only person on the st...
  11. How do You deal with Man-Hating Female Nurses?

    I LOVE cheesecake. Can I have your recipe?
  12. Male nurses who cook

    I was a Peace Corps Volunteer from '95 - '97. It is a wonderful experience. I really miss it but was also glad to come home when I was done. I hadn't seen my family for over 2 years. Most "real" jobs overseas either pay you enough to come home ev...
  13. SARS and bird-flu.

    I'm not a nurse but a biologist and my understanding is that avian influenza is the pathogen and SARS is how it presents itself. Apologies if I appear ignorant on the subject but it is of interest to me. I once thought about veterinary school and r...
  14. Male nurses who cook

    absolutely you want to use black tea. i'm sure chai was introduced into kenya when the indians came to build the railroads inland from the coast and it probably has local variations around the world depending on what spices are available.
  15. Is starting at $21.40/hr low for a new grad?

    I grew up in Louisville too. My family is all U of L grads and fans. It's lonely here at the top. mj
  16. How long can I wait to begin my practice?

    Motherhood is a noble profession. If your future employer doesn't value that then it's really their loss. Just maintain your certifications. Marc
  17. Is starting at $21.40/hr low for a new grad?

    I live in Lexington, KY too! Go BIG BLUE! mj
  18. What's nursing school like?

    My name is Marc and I am thinking about nursing as a profession that will allow me to live and work anywhere in the world. My mother is a med/surg nurse and I've always been attracted to the medical fields. I'd love to work for the Peace Corps but ...
  19. Male nurses who cook

    I drank a lot of chai with chapati (a fried bread very similar to a tortilla), a queen cake (scones?) or "biscuits" (shortbread or sugar cookies) while living in Kenya. Tea is one of Kenya's major exports along with coffee and cut flowers. Milk is ...
  20. I HATE nursing! (long)

    Hey! I'm just preparing to take on nursing as a second career and I'm glad to see this side of it. My thought is that you would not be the first to get a degree and then do something totally different nor would you be the first to leave a professio...
  21. Male nurses who cook

    Hang in there, Mike! I know well what it's like to be a student and the demands it puts on your time. The good news is that it's temporary and May will be here before you know it. Marc
  22. What's nursing school like?

    Thanks for the reassurance! I have a BS in biology and am about to begin a couple of prerequisite classes for a second degree BSN program that takes 2 years. Since it's been more than 10 years since I had some of the prerequisite classes, my adviso...
  23. Male nurses who cook

    I LOVE to eat, therefore I cook. Some of the best cooks I know are men. It's not really about gender. I like to grill with charcoal in my cast iron grill. Sometimes I'll smoke meat using wood chips (I like oak) that I've soaked, wrapped in foil ...
  24. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    As a practicing and "devout" Catholic I believe in life from its natural beginning to its natural end. Modern medicine can keep a body alive indefinitely. Obviously, not all my views on this are in line with the Catholic church. I shudder at the t...
  25. Disturb you to see a tongue pierced?

    "If their perception of the nurse is that she might not be competent (it doesn;t matter what the truth is, the perception of the patient is what matters) or if the patient is frightened of the nurse because the nurse, by having a piercing represents ...