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All Content by Mewsin

  1. Sneakers vs nursing shoes

    I wear adidas. And good socks.

    We've done sterile fields, tube feeding, ng tube insertion, png tube flushing, meds through tube, cathetar insertion and flushing, enemas, head to toe, blood glucose, ostomy bags and appliances, oxygen therapy, oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and trach...
  3. CNA's: Please Read

    I work nights only. I can't do it while I'm in nursing school though, just on breaks. I think if our night shift was shorter I could but the 12s would leave me too tired for school.
  4. Clinicals..funnest or hardest part?

    I love clinicals. It's where you get to use what you've learned. I don't sit around asking my instructor what to do though. I get busy, do my vitals, do my head to toe, give meds if we're allowed that day, do adls. I am a cca so our clinical days fee...
  5. Regular Backpack versus Rolling Backpack

    Just make sure it is made from durable material. My 1st semester my backpack tore halfway through. My one textbook is 10lbs and we need it every day. Another strategy is to make friends with the person beside you and share the load. We sit at tables ...
  6. Does CNA job helps in Nursing School?

    It helps me a lot. The girls in my clinical rotation have pointed out to me how comfortable I look and it has helped with my time management.
  7. What are you doing during the break?

    We only get 2 weeks off. I'm a cca so I'm working and studying for finals.
  8. Study time

    From 10pm-2am every week day and 3pm-2am on weekends. That is split between studying and homework.
  9. I just want to say, I did not ask to be excused from the procedure. Our class often goes off topic and circumcision was brought up. I guess the reaction I had when someone stated a myth and I debunked it, my instructor realized how strongly I felt ab...
  10. For me it is the procedure, on infants. Was I able to care for my patient afterwards? Yes, of course.
  11. I am not the op, I just have been told that when we do our ob rotation I will not be involved in circumcisions, as per my instructors.
  12. Sorry I wasn't clear, the move itself was not the reason for the circumcision. We actually have a large population of intact men in our community so there were underlying reasons that I was not privy to.
  13. First semester down

    Ugh our second semester was so tough. I still have to write finals, two assignments, finish clinical, and do my practicum but I think the hardest part is over.
  14. Due to my strong views on circumcision I've already been told by my instructors that I will not be involved in one. Just for the record not all lpns work in ltc, some do work in surgery, but I know of one man in ltc who was circumcised after moving ...
  15. Dumb question....

    In my class we carpool as much as possible because of how little parking there is but we decide that on our own. We are expected to get ourselves to the clinical site.
  16. APA citation

    I'm hoping someone can help. I'm using an Act (Canadian Multiculturalism Act). I have the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth edition in front of me but I can't find this answer. This Act was made in 1985 but amended ...
  17. Asked to give advice to new nursing students

    Don't miss class. There is too much non textbook information given in lecture to miss classes.
  18. Things I should be doing

    Ha. I've been there.
  19. I can't be excited

  20. AP papers

    Are going to cause me to go broke, or more broke, definitely broke. I spend too much time online shopping, not enough time actually typing. I'm not moving my butt until it is done though. Also, why are titles the hardest part? I'm pretty sure I lose ...
  21. First semester down

    Pharm has been tough I'm behind on my drug cards, I may have a lot to do tomorrow night after I get my clinical assignment. I'm curious what skills you're doing for 2nd semester. My classes are broken up differently than anything I have read on her...
  22. AP papers

    Umm yeah so my brain, I'm sorry.. APA papers I'm stuck on a citation right now.
  23. Class of 2014

    I graduate next November. I'm just so glad to actually have a countdown.
  24. That's amazing, you're handling it very well. I took one weekend off this semester, then the midterms started again....
  25. we always like goodies in class. Ha there's a mom of a girl in class who bakes us cookies, it is wonderful.