
Delia37 MSN

Critical Care

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All Content by Delia37

  1. -Free Hilton hotel rooms (up to 7 days) if you are an AACN member, sign in at -A 1 year free membership to the meditation app Headspace, you will need to provide proof (eg:. pic of your badge, RN license #). -AAA is offer...
  2. I agree with this post. At the end of the day, it is a public nursing forum, if you don't feel like answering a question...then don't.
  3. Thoughts on Charge RN

    As mentioned by the previous posts, it just won't work. However, I have to admire the fact you are willing to step out of your comfort zone.
  4. Covid 19 visitor restrictions

    Speaking strictly for myself, I welcome the respite of not having to deal with family in the unit. Currently working in a busy ICU with COVID patients. I do not need the extra stress of keeping an eye on visitors; already have enough on my plate.
  5. Orientation debacle

    ^^^^This. Rather than go all nuclear on your orientee, sit down with her/him and have that difficult/awkward conversation ( the end of the day, we are adults, right?). Let him/her know it is not appropriate to contact you on your days off and t...
  6. Finding a job with pending accusation

    Around my neck of the wood, a facility can be cited for restraining someone on BIPAP due to the high risk for aspiration if they vomit. as someone mentioned before, if patient is noncompliant, 1:1 sitter is placed at bedside.
  7. Movement to Forgive Health Care Workers' Student Debt

    ...Now, Now...we nurses know how to multitask; we can have both...
  8. What is it like in your hospital right now?

    Hi, I work at a teaching facility in OC, Southern Ca. So far, we are still waiting for the influx of patients; however, we are in the process of cross training our step down and PACU nurses to work in ICU in case we become overwhelmed in the ICU's. W...
  9. Need validation ASAP!

    Why don't you use this situation as a learning opportunity for ALL your staff? Obviously, more that one shift dropped the ball on this one, take this opportunity to re-educate your staff regarding skin care policy and expectations and use that unfort...
  10. How is this handled at your facility?

    I work in Southern Ca, in the Orange County area. Around here, a 1:1 suicide watch sitter is required (even if the pt is sedated/intubated) until cleared by psych. At my current facility, we do not require a MD order for 1:1.
  11. Pregnant new grad

    You were hired for float pool in ICU, as a new grad, at a hospital that does not provide new grad residency?? Is this in the US?? ….I second the above post, contact your manager and pray they defer having you on the floor until this crisis is over.
  12. Exposed to patient positive with coronavirus

    Had you consider calling your own physician?? at least he/she can give you an order to be tested.
  13. SOCIAL ettique of using "Dr." on invitation

    In a formal invitation, it is absolutely appropriate.
  14. Your most annoying, obnoxious family member stories

    So many!! One of the worse ones was when we admitted a long term facility, very contracted, trach/vent dependent patient in the ICU for "seizures". However, the only one who ever usually witnessed the so called seizures was her husband. That pt was...
  15. Can’t a nurse be fired?

    It takes a while for rigor mortis to set in, which in itself tell me no one was checking on that poor soul (...nursing home??); I would bet that was the real reason for the nursing staff to be fired
  16. Why is BSN required for CRNA?

    With that attitude, I foresee a bumpy ride in your professional career.
  17. Finish the Toon!

    .So, what part of Portland are you guys from??
  18. Internal transfer

    Your first action should be to find out what is you hospital policy in regard to transferring, then go from there. Once you apply for the position, your current manager will be flagged about it, no way around it.
  19. New job and asking for time off

    My facility would not allow you to use your vacation or sick call hrs, in this particular situation
  20. Condescension from Critical Care Nurses Towards Med-Surg Nurses

    That's unfortunate. You are absolutely right; the only ones really affected by those poor interactions are the patients. If this is something that is widely perceived by your unit nurses, it might be an issue to be brought up in your unit council and...
  21. As seen on TV

    Let's see...on Gray Anatomy: two residents transporting an unconscious patient to CT, while discussing how a date went the night before. Because, yes...that's a common practice. I often wonder if those shows really use medical/nursing experts....mayb...
  22. Did this patient overreact?!

    ...What makes you think that he didn't explain to her what he intended to do?? This is exactly, why it is wise for male nurses to enlist a female witness in any situation that involve intimate touching; because at the end of the day, it will be a sh...
  23. Did this patient overreact?!

    I think this is a dangerous practice by the male nurses in your unit. They are easily, exposing themselves to unnecessary sexual harassment accusations. How hard it is to ask a female colleague (CNA, another nurse in not available) to be...
  24. Did this patient overreact?!

    That's a tricky situation for the male nurse. In our neuro unit, it is common practice to turn the camera away when the patient privacy's is compromised (e.g.: bathing, cleaning). However, I think his mistake was to physically touch the patient wit...
  25. Send video tape to state boards

    Anonymously?? No. As a nurse you should had addressed that situation right there and then, since what you are describing is considered elderly abuse. Your lack of assertiveness is kind of concerning...are you a new nurse?? I would have a conversatio...