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All Content by MotherRN

  1. Frustrated in BSN program

    Living in the Southeast, and NOT getting those job interviews at the hospital. They ARE requesting BSN's, not ADN's 'round these parts!
  2. Siblings sharing a room

    What age range of siblings are we talking about here?
  3. Anyone here who hate the holidays?

    This year I am really in the holiday spirit. I think that for three big reasons: 1) the weather outside has actually been cool here in the south so it feels like the holidays and looks like fall for a change 2) My oldest returned from a year in Kuwai...
  4. Being a nurse is hard

    You might want to seriously think of moving on NOW from a place this disorganized. It can really get you into trouble on a personal level when they blame YOU for the inability to get care done (delay of care) when in actuality, the tools weren't ther...
  5. Advice on PRN work needed.

    Your welcome! That's wonderful you have a hospital job and the opportunity for real training! I'm sure you will eventually get all the diverse nursing experience you need to round your training.
  6. which of you on is this family talking about? :)

    This story has outstanding examples of everything they said NOT to do in nursing school- what about saying 'those nice doctors wouldn't hurt you' and 'surgery won't hurt'...that's a real problem for me because how are they going to feel when they are...
  7. Advice on PRN work needed.

    Hi SpudBunny, I would say finish your first 90 days without limitation or distractions of a PRN position. I was eventually hired for two jobs at once. One was every other weekend. The other was PRN. I ultimately ended up losing both in the long run. ...
  8. Is My Nursing License At Risk?

    Do you think for the minor stuff (compared with narcotics stuff) like giving a med late or staffing issues, that the nurse loses her job, not her license first? And the narcotics stuff leads to a revoked license?
  9. LTC nurses-Are you worried about being fired?

    Yes, I WAS just fired from a LTC like this. Every shift was starting with a 'huddle' in the DON's office where she would issue threats of do this or that or you will be written up and ultimately fired. Funny this is that a classmate was also fired th...
  10. I wasn't aware that they needed to talk to your current employer if they know they want to offer you the job. What if that employer is aggrevated you are leaving and says something negative, are they then going to pull their offer? And then you have ...
  11. Different Types Of Coworkers

    I did try to politely tell the Slow Cooker to just tell me the abnormals. Well, suffice it to say, she ultimately reported me for being 'disrespectful' and that was the tool used to fire me. (MUCH longer version of this in another post of mine). The ...
  12. Different Types Of Coworkers

    I should clarify that I save my labels for personal use (to share with family and friends without revealing real names). I don't gossip with co-workers or share the labels at the work. That is hurtful, unprofessional and too risky.
  13. Different Types Of Coworkers

    I don't think there is anything wrong with this article and labeling our co-workers. Lord knows it wouldn't be safe to say anything to their face! And I think only the naive labor under the assumption that others aren't labeling them as well. I think...
  14. Different Types Of Coworkers

    Yeah...but I bet they have longevity on the job...unlike myself, with my big mouth and all!
  15. The Grateful Nurse Speaks

    I'm just getting started with nursing and it's a rocky start at that. I enjoyed your article. I have these kind of memories from the life I have led up to this point (nursing is my second career). Now my memories aren't all life saving (one is, thoug...
  16. Is your workplace haunted?

    Guess I better drag out my mental health books to look up that DSM-IV (V) diagnosis now. Impressive vocabulary too!
  17. Is this what night shift really does to us?

    I'm sorry to hear about the effect the night shift has on you. I feel it would do the same for me physically. I had been working 3-11 recently and that seemed to be okay, except that I found after awhile I would stay up later and later til 3 am when ...
  18. What makes nursing stressful for you?

    I know how you feel. I've had people do some horrible things to me over the year (in life in general) that they never apologized for or were held accountable for. I think that is why its hard to let it go-they get away with it. But, in this world all...
  19. Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

    I wanted to thank everyone for their support as I filtered through my nervous energy and worked to tame my bruised ego over these past few days. It has been a great support to be able to vent here. I'm going to stop dwelling on this now and move on....
  20. Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

    This was LTC. We aren't talking about emergencies that made this nurse unable to complete her work. Instead it's the endless paper charting that was constantly dumped, plus the unpopular tasks of blood draws and stool samples etc. I did the procedure...
  21. Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

    Yeah, I know, it's a one way street. But a long time ago I decided I didn't want the bad behavior of others to stop me from doing what I think is right. So, I am nice anyway-even if you hate me for it or laugh behind my back after I'm gone. I don't w...
  22. Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

    The only thing I know about her academics is what she told me on the first few days I shadowed her. She confessed that she was sick due to the extreme stress of our last rotation, so sick that she suffered migraines and had to be hospitalized. So, ba...
  23. Is your workplace haunted?

    It's dark outside now, and the teens are heading off to an early Halloween party, so I'll be all alone. I think I'll go find something scary to watch on the tube :)
  24. Is your workplace haunted?

    Well, here's a story for you. The CNA took me into the dining area behind my station to draw my attention to the big, black crow that was tapping on the glass door that leads out to a garden courtyard in the back. She proceeds to tell me that every t...
  25. Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

    Thank you for the good advice. I did try with the CNA's to be polite. I greeted all of them, asked them nicely when I needed something, explained why something was important if I asked them for it and thanked them in advance. I'd smile at them when w...