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All Content by MotherRN

  1. Is floor nursing making you fat?

    When I first started working LTC at a facility that didn't let you have your lunch and ran your legs off (you had to wear a beeper and were times on how quickly you answered the call bells), I started to lose weight due to not eating and running arou...
  2. Is floor nursing making you fat?

    I think the main point here is that nursing, by nature, prevents you from keeping a healthy schedule so you can eat right/on time etc. Because nurses are so overworked, the aren't given the reasonable resources needed to care for themselve while they...
  3. Should I look for a new job in this situation?

    That's what happened to me. Within two weeks I was fired even though I had offered to quit on my own earlier and was begged to stay. It was like they wanted to be the ones to say GO or maybe they felt they needed something that wouldn't blow back on ...
  4. I feel like a FAILURE, what do I do now?

    Yes, my former facility had a patient ratio that was 22 + (it fluctuated). But, the CNA's had a load of 8, not 16, so that makes a difference. I bet the nurse was making up the difference in what the CNA could not handle. Didn't know borrowing meds f...
  5. Blood Withdraw class vs Phlebotomy

    I took a training class for the hours here, but was told that you had to have your boss sign off that you had done 100 sticks before you could be certified, in addition to the exam. Could be regional, though.
  6. Fun: Coke or Pepsi Nurses?

    According to the history of the states, if you are from New England, you call Coke a "soda", if you are from the midwest, it's "pop" and if you are from down south, it's "a coke".
  7. Fun: Coke or Pepsi Nurses?

    I'm a Pepper...through and through...but because I live in the south, I still SAY "Let's get a Coke" when I mean I want a Dr. Pepper. Does that count?
  8. Any ADN-BSN programs without ridiculous papers?

    Think of it as a 'creative writing' exercise. Not to date myself or anything...but 'get jiggy with it' know, loosen up. Define the word from it's dictionary definition; say what it means in different cultures; mention how it's used in literatur...
  9. 57 and need to start over YET AGAIN!

    So what if they want to know that? They can find out your age just my looking up your license online anyway. Or, asking what year you graduated high school on an application!! There are ways to get the info!
  10. 57 and need to start over YET AGAIN!

    Wellbeing, I tend to be claustrophobic. Do you think being 'locked in' at the prison would bring on these same feelings? I was worried about it so have not applied to the prisons here in town.
  11. New school nurse...bummed out already

    I agree that school nursing is Real Nursing. I've been sub nursing this fall. I really enjoy it compared to LTC. Unfortunately, the pay isn't great, so I will end up back in LTC at least on the weekends once I find a position. I find that school nurs...
  12. 57 and need to start over YET AGAIN!

    WindyCDE, This so inspiring!! I'm 48 and been a licensed RN for 1 year today, actually! It's my anniversary. I can see that the market is going to stay tough, and get tougher given my age. I am still doing PRN type work. I'm okay with part time work ...
  13. Having Trouble Hearing BP's

    Hi All! I need some constructive advice. I had been told last year that I would probably need a hearing aid by the time I was fifty. Well, just turned 48 and I have noticed that last few times I did a manual BP that I didn't hear anything. Kinda frea...
  14. Having Trouble Hearing BP's nursing instructor was kind enough to share her personal story of not learning this lesson until she had been on the job for two years and someone suggested she try it. Thankfully, that was one lesson I did get while in school! BTW, I worke...
  15. Having Trouble Hearing BP's

    Thank You for the information!
  16. Thanks for the picture! It really helps. Our beds rails are made of plastic and sometimes don't have openings.
  17. Interesting! This sounds like the beds I saw in school clinicals. There were only 2 rails that could be put up, and they were half-length. But, the instructors kept saying if the bed rails were up X2, it was restraint, without making the destinction ...
  18. For those of you who need Chemistry And Micro

    How does one take Chem with an online lab? And, do major universities accept these credits? I REALLY hate the lab I am enrolled in now at the tech college, but it seems impossible/illogical to expect that I could get the same credit without suffering...
  19. I was wondering if anyone has experienced Clemson Universities RN-BSN program. It is offered mixed mode-online with two meetings at the university center a month. There is also some clinical time involved. Any opinions? Did it help you get a job afte...
  20. About two weeks ago, I had an unfamiliar CNA on my night shift. She was 'helping out' with a shortage apparently. I am new on the job as well. I had previously been instructed to ''hold accountable' the CNA's on my shift by 'writing them up' for ever...
  21. Just to clarify....I thought side rails up X2 = restraints (or at least I think that's what they taught in nursing school-I'm a recent grad). Not that I don't think it's a good idea, just clarifying that it's kosher :)
  22. BP situation

    What about LTC centers where the vitals of those taking cardiac meds are NOT assessed before giving the meds. The policies are to NOT assess except once in a while. What if the patient had a low reading and you gave meds to lower BP even more (withou...
  23. Work related depression

    One bit of good news- if you do want to go for the RN-BSN, there are schools, even good ones that DON"T require the organic chemistry. I, too, though I would need that. Turns out, I don't. So, this fall I can begin my BSN online and not have to worry...
  24. Vital Information about BSN and MSN online Programs

    I may need to check my facts again, but I thought the only catch to doing the B/M RN-BSN programs (all online) is that if you are an out of state student, the rates will take a huge hike. So, you need to find a B/M in state online program for this op...
  25. 12 hour shifts...dangerous?

    Where I was working, they took the half hour break out of the 8 hr shift pay automatically. But, you weren't REALLY allowed to take the time off during the shift. Legally they had to show that a break was given on paper. Does this happen everywhere...