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All Content by MotherRN

  1. Oh please, just let me vent!!!

    I believe the time off is more like some at Thanksgiving, Christmas and then Easter break, but the school year is still 9+ months. And, that M-F is grueling at times, I'm sure. I have been weighing the benefits of the steady schedule and time off ag...
  2. Oh please, just let me vent!!!

    I haven't been in school nursing long or nursing in general, for that matter, and I am only a sub- but, I have already had a child brought to me ( an hispanic, English as a second language student) and the teacher humiliated him by telling me to chan...
  3. Thank for the post. When you wear compression hose, are they knee high? And, if so, do they cause an indentation in the calf area (a problem for me). What brand and where do you get them? Any shoe preference. I've been where Reeboks for years but the...
  4. Thank you for your post. I know what you mean about moving around. I subbed today, tomorrow and also Friday. I don't think I have done three days in a row. But, the impact of one day- once the feet go up, I feel "funny" like too much fluid return to...
  5. Prepare for culture shock! Realize nursing school is paramilitary- so you WILL be bossed around and expected to do without question. I think most programs are especially harsh in the beginning- in my opinion they ARE weeding out the ones they feel ar...
  6. I want to do well in nursing school...any advice

    Sorry for the bad spelling, grammar, typos...I'm on information overload due to stress and being in orientation for a new job.
  7. I want to do well in nursing school...any advice

    Learn to connect your assessment to your documentation. At some point in your career, you may have to chart narratively (i.e. you will be staring at a blank sheet of paper and be expected to know what to write down). As you do procedures, learn what ...
  8. I've been accepted!

  9. It's amazing what gross things you can get used to in life. Before you walk away from nursing, consider that just plain being a mom means you do many of the same gross things that nurses do...babies poop and your clean it up...they also throw up ALL ...
  10. Disgusted with nursing career

    One of my clinical mates in nursing school had only a few credits left to complete a public health major from the local 4 year college, so she went back to finish her Bachelors and graduated. Then she moved. Next thing I know, she's posted pics on fa...
  11. It's Finally Happened!

    I would show her the printed out photo, to prove that it is her, if it really is undeniable. I would tell her in private and with the intention of educating her on the foolishness of using her real photo. I would further use this as an opportunity to...
  12. I am losing my hair on top...actually getting quite thin now...and I already get the bold person who literally stares at my head (to which I want to say, "Take a picture, it will last longer")...I simply can't wait until the day comes when I get a br...
  13. Completed my RN-BSN program....

    Hey! I'm a Central Florida girl myself- 6-12th grade in Orange County public schools and UCF BA. Where are you going for nursing?
  14. Afraid to quit job after 2.5 weeks

    Yes, but you are at risk for losing your license if you are on assignment and expected to perform nursing procedures which you have never been trained to do. Your state scope of practice will hold you to your level of expertise, which will say that a...
  15. Charting...what to say?

    I was taught that you only chart what you actually did yourself, or else it isn't legal. Charting something you observed would be okay. But still, we sign our names at the end of the documentation so it really isn't necessary to say "This nurse" etc....
  16. Importance of good grades!!!

    He! y, I've been frustrated because my GPA WAS really good, and I was even in the honor society. But, i didn't work during school because I knew my grades would suffer if I did. Well, the joke is on me! Those employers don't care a lick about my GPA...
  17. Losing respect for nursing students

    I've only been out of nursing school for a year and a half. And, I am an older, mature student (48 years old!). My take on being a serious student in the clinical setting is this: the whole situation is pretty frustrating for both sides. This thread...
  18. Best Hallucinations Thread

    This reminds me of when my son was about 8 and he tried to convince me that the squirrel (which had fallen in the chimney and was banging around-was going to call someone about it after the weekend-it was the second such squirrel and I had been assur...
  19. You are not my only patient

    Yes!!! I had a patient who reported me to management because I would not give her Tylenol on demand, when it had been scheduled Q6 and she had already had all her other available pain meds given (PRN and scheduled). Eventually, they did the right thi...
  20. Yep. Did that my first weekend ever as a nurse in LTC. I even had their names written on the cups and had both with me when I gave the wrong one to the wrong person. Just don't do it. Never care meds for more than one person at a time. Too easy to mi...
  21. Walking in and asking for application?

    I go in to the LTC/Skilled nursing facilities and tell them I would like to fill out an application for RN. They are usually prepared and hand me a clipboard with the expectation I will fill it out then. But, go prepared. Have copies of your SS#, dri...
  22. Not Excited About Becoming FNP

    I would definitely put the rubber stamp on the NP degree and get your license, even if you stay a bedside nurse for now. Remember, things don't always stay the same and at some point you may want a change. Take the test now, while it's fresh in your ...
  23. The Unsteady Surgeon

    Hey, I had an oral surgeon give me a root canal once that I would swear was half blind. I looked up at him during the procedure, as he was stabbing a tiny needle-like instrument quickly and repeatedly into my gum- and, his eyes were rolled up into hi...
  24. Is floor nursing making you fat?

    I think I am there with you! It's so depressing to work so hard for something and not see the results!
  25. Is floor nursing making you fat?

    EXACTLY what happened to me in nursing school. The first summer off, I lost 20 lbs through exercise and diet. Within the first semester, I had put back on 10. Then, in the winter months, back came the other 10 plus more. The second summer, I joined W...